Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)


Love l…I was cheering your upcoming triple digits and you my numbers …dang I do love being a part of this community…we really are stronger together :wink:


Oh definitely there’s definitely alot more positives that outweights that fleeting feeling.

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HEY MAN – missed your big triple day celebration!!! way to go Joe – 100 + days of no cigs is fucking amazing friend.



Well shit, I missed it too. Thanks for the reminder, Jasmine. :v::green_heart:


:rofl: :rofl: My pleasure :heart:


Congrats!! @Jasty2

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Thank you. Cjp

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I’m at 12 days today and I’m finding tonight hard. I’m getting to the point where I’m like is one going to hurt and then I’ll give up again. Iv done this before went about 5 days said I’d have one, then just went back to smoking. So I know it doesn’t work, I just need to write it out to let the argument with myself out!
I’m not bored or anything in particular I just want a cig basically! I don’t have anything nor will I go out Im just having a moan! Lol


Release that thought and take your energy back. We are here. You got this! @Megan3

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3024 days smoke free here. Best decision I made ever was to quit smoking. It totally changed my life. I found help and support with my fellow quitters at Quitnet, a smoking cessation forum that no longer exists. One of my friends and fellows from there died yesterday after a long valiantly fought battle with lung cancer.

We’re never 100% safe but by quitting we make our chances so much better not to suffer from a similar fate. Pam was such an optimistic cheerful upbeat positive lady. She’ll be missed terribly. Rest in peace old friend. Smoking kills. Please be quit and stay quit. Your life depends on it. :people_hugging: :heart: :broken_heart: :canada: :cry:


Oh I’m so sorry to hear this. Sending hugs xx

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Hang tough love – i know our brains say “hey you quit before and you will again” what they don’t say is that HAH i’ll make it so much harder the next time - you may take years if not decades to get back to quitting. When thinking along these lines i realize that one is just not worth that risk.

We got your back love - vent with us - scream / should cry if you need to but do not light up.

Sending you strength :muscle:

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I am so very sorry for your loss Mno. You are absolutely right - just because we quit doesn’t mean we are out of the danger zone but we are healing a bit everyday and getting further away from that doom.
My condolences friend :people_hugging: :heart: :cry:

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Alan Carr’s Easy Way to Quit Smoking really helped me. He writes that the craving you are feeling is actually withdrawl from your last cigarette. The only way to step completely out of the cycle is to stay quit otherwise you start the cycle over. Its worth a read if you like reading.
Its tough in the moment but you can do hard things. Ride it out here with us.




Nicely done – 2 months and truckin’
Keep up the great work!

Im liking my 5s 2s and 8s today


At a pack a day that is 10,280 cigarettes that I havent smoked!