Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

Vaping is just as bad and spending money too! I quit cold turkey with the patch on. 66 days smoke free for me.


In my experience, vaping is worse in a lot of ways far as addiction/quitting is concerned.



I’m on day 6 and hate to say this to those of you struggling but I wake up each morning and my 1st thought is "isn’t it great i don’t have to smoke anymore " i am finding this so easy. Sorry I’m not grumpy :wink:


Day 2. Yesterday was pretty crappy but I got through. I quit smoking while at work years ago so I shouldn’t have any trouble with being an a-hole to my colleagues today. No more than usual anyway :wink:

Have a good day folks :+1:


I get that @Mno. I get that very well, leaving the back door open is work of addictive mind if nothing else. And honestly I’m still not letting go of my vaporiser… I’m an addict for sure. Once I’m ready to throw it away, I’m done.


What’s Kodiak? Welcome @Bears515054 and loads of strength on your journey :muscle:

@Leveller we have a committee searching wether to keep you here or not. Just a tiny pinch of a-holeness would help?
Really I’m happy for you and basically feel the same, not lacking but freed.

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@Fireweed :rofl: . Hey Hanna ( was my mothers name…really) I stopped smoking using Allen carrs “only way to stop smoking” it is available on audible and also as a book. For the price of 1 packet of cigarettes. I have tried all methods over the years. The beauty about it is …it does really make it easy to stop and you can still smoke whilst reading it or listening to it. Once you pick your time and day for your last cigarette and smoke it that’s it! You are a happy non smoker from the moment you put it out. I have never been happier. No cravings just an enormous sense of wellbeing. Give it a go . :+1: don’t let fear of withdrawal hold you back because there is no withdrawal. It without doubt the best thing I have ever done for myself. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Oh nice, she still with us, mom Hanna? There seems to be quite opposite approaches to quitting. Cold turkey and the softer method. Ive heard good about that book, but I’m almost one week without cigs and doing relatively well so I’ll go a little further to see how I can handle it (vaping is not an option either). Thinking about that book gives me an instant idea that I can run out to buy a pack of cigs and smoke them like a maniac. Absolute craving thought. But we’ll see. Thanks for the support :pray:

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Hail @Hailstrom! I’m not much of a peer as regards first days cause having flu messed it up, in a good way though. Wasn’t that into smoking. But it was different last summer when I had an eternal flu-cough going on for weeks and I smoked all the way through it. Lots of strength in sticking to grumpiness. You’re colleagues deserve it! :muscle:

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Aww no sadly shes not she passed away 21 years ago. Still think and talk about her daily tho.
I have everything crossed for you in quitting smoking you are doing so well Hanna. I love my reading and listening to audio books especially when I’m at work. I’m chopping wood at the moment and sadly quite enjoying it. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Kodiak is a long cut smokeless tobacco.

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I was sick all over xmas and smoked through it. Terrible idea, but at least it triggered me to get involved in this thread. Don’t feel too bad today but I tend to smoke later in the day so will see how I feel this evening. Throat is quite sore tho and coughing up some rather unpleasant stuff. I think that’s pretty standard tho?

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@Fireweed. In Yoda’s voice: “The grumpy
a-hole is strong in this one”!

You carry the torch of this thread well. I’m proud of you. Love seeing each day you get cigarette free, however you need to do it!


Failing at this one guys. No cigs on new year’s Day but had a couple since, I won’t lie. Probably about 10 in 5 days so better than it has been. Must try harder!!! Good luck everyone

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All I can say is it is a total head job.

Crack those first few days and you are in with a great chance. Keep busy and just keep telling your head to fuck off.

If I can do it. Anybody can. I still get the odd craving, but again, I just tell my head to do one.

I smoked 40 a day for 15 years then vaped for 3/4.

Just do it. Dont look back. Oh and of course. A day at a time


Nice that she’s still with you, your mom. Sweet dreams for her.
Thanks so much. Today cravings have been bad.

I think coughing and related is one way our lungs and upper respiratory system react to the change. First it’s a kind of shock, then detoxing. Aargh it hard today. Stay strong you @Hailstrom


Hiya @hidden
You mean “strong in this one the grumpy a-hole is”?
Carrying the torch, how ironic :rofl: Glad I made myself a trap and created this thread cause otherwise I would already have been smokin today…


I’m happy that your still staying quit Hanna. My batteries going to die, have a great evening won’t you. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

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