Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

Thanks I will :+1: Going to sleep already Gareth @anon13078412?

I’m glad you did too because now your trapped. Leader of the pack! You’re doing an amazing job by the way!


No I’m in work m8 with a very low battery, that of phone and body :joy::frowning::laughing::+1::slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks for the honesty @Lucasarillious :+1: you did well with your try, why give up now?

Grumpy and craving…

Just waking up? What’s going on today?

Couple of hrs ago. Was craving hard yesterday :grimacing:

How many patches are left?

Two god damn it

You won’t need more than that. Besides being grumpy do you feel any different?

Maybe not… I feel like memory loss, low mood and confusion but hard to say if it’s different from my “normal” :grin:

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Just make it through the first week and see how you feel. You can do that.


Thx I will. Thanks for the support Chris. Really appreciate it :pray::pray::pray:

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Memory loss can be a good thing sometimes. there’s plenty of shit I do that I’d love to forget!

I hear you :rofl:

I got your back!

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Day 3. Really struggling to sleep atm but not sure if its related. Trying hard not to connect the two too much. Other than that not bad. Well done to everyone here, its really helpful and the check ins make a huge difference.


I’m not giving up giving up. I’m gonna keep at it :+1:


Good morning fellow quitters. Nearly a week for me. I’ve just had a thought that made me grumpy I have spent around £200,000.00 on drinking and smoking! Two hundred thousand pounds! Ffs! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Really struggling with sleep and today is a total roller coaster with cravings. Im having thoughts I cannot make it.

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