Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

Way to go!

Good reminder for me too. It’s insanity to waste money on cigs (and booze ofcourse). Good for you almost one week :facepunch:


@Fireweed of course you can make it Hanna. You made it all them years before you lit your first cigarette up! Don’t let the nicotine win! Be grumpy smash a plate shout F@$k off nicotine monster. Contrary to what you believe you are doing really well. Don’t throw them nicotine free days away. :rage:


Insomnia is a typical one ladies and gents. Took me about 10 days to find better sleeping. And @Fireweed, I read Allen Carr something like 3 weeks into my cold turkey quit. Didn’t make me crave and was a great help in getting my mindset straight. The right mindset is what @nick_1985 is saying. Not One Puff Ever. We won’t smoke whatever happens. Becuse it helps with NOTHING. Great going all! One day, one hour, one minute, one craving at a time.


Thanks Col… thanks so much. Just that I feel I have no other option to calm my nerves down. I know it’s an illusion and I’m not handling this well. Blergh
And thanks @Mno too :pray::pray::pray:

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Its exactly like @Mno says you need a positive mindset it will be so much easier for you . You will have to close this thread though because you will not be grumpy anymore :grinning:. It’s time to buy the book. I’ll even buy it for you! Yove got this! :no_smoking:


There are free pdf files of the book floating around the interwebs as well btw. But I think it’s worth the buy. @Fireweed

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@Fireweed @Mno also free on audible 30 day trial. :+1: I read “the easy way to stop smoking” and also “the only way to stop smoking” which is a bit more up to date.


Ok. Ok. Ok. I’ll think about it. You’re being so kind. It’s just that I’m going some other stuff through now that gives me trouble. Creations of my own SpongeBob-head. My mindset about quitting is basically fine, but now is the time to face life raw without substitutes


I slept for couple of hours. That was good, and eating. I must apply HALT now as did with alcohol.
Thanks for the pdf tip and constant support


Don’t let cigarettes kick your ass! Fuck them!!


Ive been crabbing the last couple of days. Both my mates smoke. I couldnt resist the cigarettes in between strings. Smoked a few out there. I wish they didnt smoke. It would be alot easier.

We got back onshore last night. Interesting how I havent had a craving, even with coffee this morning.

Going back out tomorrow.


That sucks they smoke… And your job must be hard enough anyway. I know how tempting it is when other people enjoy their cigs… The smell and everything :grimacing:
for me the purpose has been mostly about having breaks and arranging my f.d up mind…

Just keep reducing it :muscle:

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I haven’t yet…

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I’m impressed! Punch any holes in the walls yet? Lol

I’m giving myself a lesson in managing expectations. Thank god I still have my vice because this is the shit that drives me crazy.

Trust me, I’m still grumpy as hell. I belong here. Doing my best not to be a full on A-hole!

Are mornings or evenings harder for you? Or is it the same throughout the day?

These walls are made of steel and concrete or something. Hard to drill not to mention punch.

Don’t you give yourself any lessons man, you’re already kicking ass with your sobriety af. It’s more of a question about timing and being patient right?

And I know you’re an a-hole and a co-founder of this thread so stick here. As far as I’m concerned anyone is welcome if interested to follow these personal infernos :hot_face:


Thank god you’re not punching walls then! That would be quite insane.

My expectation issues go far past Tobacco. That’s what’s keeping me grumpy!!

Grump on, I still got your back.

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And painful…
My punching bag project is on ice like everything else in my life is, but one day I will get it.

Expectations… hard to let them go. Needs determined mindset and lot of work. What doesn’t…

Thanks Chris again for being here :pray::slight_smile:


Hmm… isn’t being a doormat is that you let someone else’s expectations/ behaviour rule your life? All you can let go is your own expectations. If you expect someone not treating you as a doormat, what can YOU do?

Will you be having a vacation any time near soon?

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Day 4. Horrible night last night. Nightmares, sweating, must have woken up 3/4 times. Not disimilar to sleep when I was drinking. Feeling tired and fed up but not angry thankfully. Man thisvis hard. But still pushing on.

Have a good day folks, you’re all doing great and your shares are really helping me. We can do this!!