Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

Yes, it’s hard. I’ve nothing else to say, except that you’re doing excellent. Proud of you :muscle:

Day 8 for me :expressionless:


Thank you! You’re doing great also :+1:

Just found out we have visitors at work today so im gonna keep a low profile :sweat_smile:

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Good morning guys. Well done on another day . @Hailstrom sorry you had a shit nights sleep itll pass and good on you for another smoke free day.
Day 8 and into my 2nd week not missing them things one little bit. My wife stopped smoking yesterday for 8 hours the 8 hours she was at work!
I’m stripping wallpaper off today so I will be kept busy.
Hey @Fireweed another day not putting shit in your lungs :clap: keep it going !


Illness is how my cigarette free life started in August 2008. Forced myself to keep saying NOT ONE DRAG until I was finished my round of antibiotics. After 7 days I said why not 2 weeks, then 3, 4 and so on. After 2 weeks it was the mental game and dealing with the after meal habits as well as having something in my hand. Snap peas and hot tomales were my salvation.

Best wishes to all those embarking on this nicotine free journey.


Years ago when I quit using the willpower method I used to bounce tennis balls :softball: .

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@Fireweed Hey there. Just wanted to stop by and see how you’re holding up?

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I’m holding… up. Thanks for checking me out @Hidden . Not very talkative sorry. Day 9. Meh

How u mate?


+1 for reading Allen Carr after quitting, it helped!


Day 9 and I have a 20year old son who was supposed to be helping me today. Hes 2 hours late and still upstairs in his pig sty. So I am grumpy today. :rage: . On the plus side I feel good, I’m eating healthier things and seem to be getting my Zing back. Keep at it @Hidden. :+1:.


You’re all doing great! Keep adding those days!

The thing I took away from the allen carr book that really helped, is that cigarettes don’t stop cravings, they cause them.


Pig sty. Zing. :blush:
9 days, big up for you Col @Leveller
Be kind to your son :wink:


No worries, I’m just glad you’re ok. I get the not being talkative, that’s me most days!


Day 1
Wish me luck lol


Pushing through day 6… tomorrow afternoon will be a hard earned week.


Congrats @Josh_Kabestra and @Bears515054. Wishing you both success. stay strong!


Welcome Josh :wave:
Happy that you’ve made the decision. Maybe read through the thread, people have given some useful tips to ease the process. And remember, you can do this :muscle: keep checking in @Josh_Kabestra

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Well done @Bears515054 !

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@Fireweed. Good morning Hanna, how’s today going?

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GM and good day to you @Hidden :wave:
Not so good. Crappy sleep last night. Yesterday evening was stressful cause had to take someone dear to me to hospital emergency due mental problems. Haven’t smoked but have vaped. Out of patches… anyway cannot use them anymore cause they leave red irritated marks all over my skin. How is your Friday sir?


I still have Thursday to deal with for 20 more minutes!

Sounds like you’re living the dream. So sorry to hear about your friend. Are they going to be ok. Sucks about the patches, has to be the adhesive. Is there another brand you could try? Impressed you haven’t picked up the cigarettes again though, baby steps, I wouldn’t worry about the vape, do what works for you. Eventually you will be able to get rid of all of the nicotine. your sanity and sobriety needs to come first.

I will be at the hospital early tomorrow, Friday, morning myself. My son is having knee surgery, nothing too major, just repairing a torn meniscus, but not loving the idea of him being put under. I’m not a fan of hospitals.

Wish there was something I could do to help cheer you up, but that would go against the guidelines of this thread! Lol

Keep putting up a fight, impressed by your will power. Stay strong my friend, Hope your friend will be ok and try to sneak a nap in today if you can. You’ve earned it.