Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

Sorry I forgot the time zones :no_mouth: actually it’s my daughter I was talking about and all this is a bit rough to handle. Hard to see your loved one suffer… Thanks for reminding me of priorities. I’ve felt very low and almost insane with my withdrawals. I still am motivated not to grab cigs but vaping may continue as long as I have the vaping fluids left. I hope everything will go well at the hospital and your son will be soon back on his feet :+1::+1::+1::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


Good morning everyone. @Fireweed wishing you and your friend well Hanna, life is not always easy. It throws hurdles at us everyday but we get over them or smash straight through. I also had an itchy reaction to the patches and crazy dreams more like nightmares and unsettled sleep. It was the same when I used champix to stop …awful days days but in the past.
@Hidden hi Chris hope your sons op goes to plan today, will he be coming home today? @Bears515054 keep pushing through nearly a week @Josh_Kabestra welcome, day 1 try and keep busy it helps.


I’m not big on prayers, so to speak, but I’m praying for your daughter and you. Much love!

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Day 6. Not too bad but sleep is still a mess. Very tired and groggy atm but keep telling myself it’ll get better. And that smoking wont help! That’s working for now. A little worried about the weekend but will take it as it comes.

Stay strong @Fireweed

Have a good day everyone :+1:


Thanks for everyone @Leveller, @hidden and @Hailstrom. I get almost emotional for your support. Sleep has indeed been horrible, I look like a hundred years old raccoon with brain damage. One good thing I identify after quitting is that I’m getting my appetite back :+1:


Hey everyone, hope you’re still coping? I’m on day 11 without cigs (thanks to your support), but started to vape on thursday. Not much but anyhow failed on that. Have a great sober weekend


I don’t think you should worry about the vaping at this stage. Ive used one a few times this past week and don’t consider it failing. Its on the lowest nicotine I could find. I haven’t smoked which is the aim for me. If it helps then im fine with it, similar to patches or gum (a bit worse sure but still better than smoking) just need to be mindful of it and use it to taper down rather than replace the habit. I don’t want to become a vaper, and intend to stop that from Monday.

Day 7 here. Sleep was way better last night and feeling a bit better about the whole thing.

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I didn’t know how mentally challenging this would be but also a proof of the habit’s addictive nature. I seem to become dependant on anything I touch. So maybe I just put a spacesuit on and hit Siberia. I’m gonna step aside for a while. Poop factor is too high…
Nevertheless smoking is no option


Good for you 1week​:+1::+1:
Stay strong friend :muscle:

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I threw away my last two cigarettes this morning. It’s just stupid to keep smoking. So, Day 1.


Welcome @EarnIt. Good decision. Keep adding those days :muscle:
I’m on day 12 without cigs and it feels like I’m winning the battle. Has been crap but definitely worth it


I read The Easy Way to Quit Smoking by Allen Carr. Quit cold Turkey 7 days ago with no withdrawal, no mood swings, nothing. I hardly think about it. I know it sounds weird, but it works! I was a pack a day smoker for almost 20 years. To 0. I feel great!

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I have always been a quirky smoker. I never smoked before 4p, except maybe when tailgating - because - alcohol. Since I quit drinking, I am down to 2-5 a day. It’ll be less about the nicotine and more about the habit. I do plan on exercising my right ot be an a-hole, though. I mean, why not?

I can’t drink because I’ll want to smoke, and I can’t smoke because I’ll want to drink. Lol Neither were easy to quit, but it made sense to quit both.

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That’s awesome @Erika_M :clap:

Absolutely. This is the place to be an a-hole, and preferably a grumpy sort. I got so pissed off I almost left my own thread

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That’s awesome!! :+1:

Any idea if that book would work if my (20-yr) habit is nicotine gum?

source (12)

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It will absolutely reinforce not to smoke or use nicotine substitutes! Google The Easy Way to Quit Smoking pdf. You can download it! :slightly_smiling_face:


Awesome, thank you!! :+1: