Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

Hi @LeeHawk! Now, this may sound stupid or intruding or someone telling you what to do when you know the best:
At my early sobriety I was eager to get rid of all my bad habits and overweight. I wanted it my way and now or never. I didn’t smoke at that time (that came along when 4 months sober). My sober fellows kept telling me to put sobriety first… just eat that candy and junk food and put the scale away, go to the meetings… And I did and tried to accept the many imperfections in me and my life like the relationship with my now ex hub going downhill. Somewhere in 5 months I no longer had cravings for alcohol even if someone was drinking right before my nose. That’s when I could start gaining a healthier lifestyle by excercise and quitting added sugar. During my first sober year I faced so many challenges I wasn’t ready to give up smoking until i had a year and some two months af. It was/is really tough (I’m still vaping), but I have no fear of relapse for alcohol anymore.
Sobriety af (or other psychoactive substances) is hard job. I’m sharing my experience to you and all in early sobriety (@EarnIt too) , so that you might see the wisdom of putting sobriety first. Other things will follow in time and you are already doing the most important and precious thing by being sober. Staying sober is enough for today. Don’t try to fix all at the same time.


My stop time is 00.00 on Sat.
I cant wait to get rid of this feeling of self loathing for starting again. My mistake was being too complacent, I found it easy to stop but also easy to start. Lesson learned there is no such thing as just 1 cigarette.


I completely agree with you, Fireweed. My situation is a bit odd. Smoking actually makes me feel a need to have a drink in the hand. It’s the flip of people who only smoke when they drink and craving cigs only when they are consuming alcohol. Quitting cigs will very much help with my alcohol issue. I’m doing really good. 48 hours no nicotine. Thanks, Fireweed!


Impressive @Fargesia_murielae, impressive… :pray:

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Aaww you have someone there who sincerely wants you to stop smoking and put your money on dog treats instead. You identified what happened and learned something. Didn’t give up. There’s no room for self loathe but self appreciation @Leveller. You have the guts to do this :+1:

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I see, it makes sense. We are individuals in recovering to a certain point. In case your nic craving gets too bad, have you considered patches or gum?

Yeah too right I have Hanna thank you. How are you managing? I smoked and drank every single day last year up until 24th November, since then I had 4 drinks inbetween xmas and new year and 3 days of drinking and smoking last week. I’ve not done any this week but have given myself until Friday night to light up my last ceremonial cigarette. Saturday is a good day for me as I am always busy and surrounded by non smokers. Bring it on ! :no_smoking: :facepunch: :+1:

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Not smoking but vaping. Getting rid of cigs was my original goal and not to vape a beautiful thought which I had to give up, for now. Some big stressful issues to handle first…

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Very well done Hanna :clap: keep at it! It’s working for you.

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Great job. Party Ballons


I do! Unfortunately, that doesn’t help me with the behavioral/physical act addiction of smoking. That is what I’m really addicted to. Going to my garage with wine and cigarettes to be away from it all. It’s really very sad. So much time and life wasted. I’ve replaced that with being in the office a lot, getting out of my house all the time, as that’s a trigger unfortunately for now, reading a ton, and ice cream every night. I’m really good with my diet otherwise. I’m slowly adding exercise in. I’m a weirdo, Fireweed. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Ah get out of here, easy!? You’re the Elvis of the smoke quitters :sunglasses:

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Oh I understand perfectly your perfect model of escape with cigs and wine. And we are all weirdos… :slight_smile:

Congrats to all of you fighting to kick that habit! Stay strong, stay grumpy and fight on! I will be joining the fight again shortly.


Crabbing killed my quitting smoking.
Im going to try again as soon as crabbing slows down. Im disappointed. Mostly because i get to face the misery of nicotene withdrawel again.

I know what to expect at least. I know it gets easier. I just cant be on a boat with two smokers.

I’ve stayed sober for the first time on a crab opener. A couple more weeks and crabbing will slow down alot.


I think staying sober and staying alive should be your top two priorities! You’re doing an amazing job. If sucking down a cig is going to help until you get your feet back on solid ground then your doing great.

Stay sober and work on the nicotine once you’re off that boat for more than a couple of days.

I was happy to read that your friends are ok. Awesome news.

Keep yourself safe out there!


We need grumpiness backup Chris @Hidden . I’m starting to lose it!

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Well blame it on the crabs, those sobs… when will you have an easier season as regards your job? Ever? Stay an a-hole @JasonFisher :muscle:

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I’ve got your back. I’ve rededicated myself to being a grumpy ahole and I’m not going to let you quit now! I know it’s one day at a time, but I think when I hit 90 days AF I’m ditching the nicotine again.

16 days for you now right? That’s impressive. You’d hate giving that up. Vape on for now.

Still dealing with the same shit or have more issues come up? Hasn’t been the easiest January for you, but don’t give in now.

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No no no you got it wrong. I’m losing my grumpiness!!! :scream: Still a serious a-hole though…

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