Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

Is that good or bad? :laughing: you’re not going all sweet now are you?

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@Hidden I think 90 days AF is a great psychological boost and a great time to kick the cigs Chris, wishing you all the very best in that fight. @Fireweed keep at it Hanna :+1: your well into 2 weeks now. Mind you it is time we had a grumpy b@$+@£d in here :rage: :grinning:


I cannot tell, haven’t tried before :wink:

Edit and yass 90 days AF is amazing! That a boy Chris @Hidden :hugs:

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Does being grumpy Godzilla for hormones count?


Wishing all the grumpy “nicfitters” on this thread one more nicotine free day. Embrace your A-holeness and kick this filthy habit we all share to the curb!


@Fireweed Grumpy Godzilla for hormones = you can do exactly what you want, you can say what you want and everyone here will totally agree with you.:grinning: keep going H.:+1:

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Could I have this as a cross stitch work on my wall?

Or this?

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Nope, not too sweet! Hahahahaha

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Haha oh yes of course you can. @Hidden Chris is a braver man than me saying no. Your on your own bud. :running_man:‍♂


No, I’m just an A-hole!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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More like self destructive? :grin:

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Broke into Emergency Tin yesterday. I can forgive myself, since I didn’t break into a bottle.


Hi @Bears515054! If I had an emergency tin, I’d have an emergency going on non stop :wink:


I slipped and had five cigarettes this morning with coffee. We have an ice storm and no school. Typically I would have grabbed a box of wine to go with those cigs, so not beating myself up too bad. Hope you all are having a great Friday!


I’m excellent at self destruction! That’s why I’m here. Working on changing that!!


Great point!!!

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Hey, sobriety first :facepunch: I’d give my right hand for 5 cigs right now, but vaping will have to do. Although I have to do it secretly cause my girls are pretty merciless…

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I thought it was a bad joke. I’m having those feelings from time to time too. Aren’t we a bunch of sick bastards… :upside_down_face:
anyway it’s good that you’re here and we deal with these together and as a community. Alone is poison…


Couldn’t agree more. And it is a joke that we self destruct! What the hell is wrong with us!!:rofl:


Day 14 over here. Im still using a vape more than id like but have resisted smoking. That was initially my goal so im still happy with my progress. Im switching to a nicotine free juice today so will see how I go. Im hopeful it’ll be ok. The next few days will be challenging as ill be hanging around with smokers and most likely in pubs so could be a bit uncomfortable :confused:

Great to see everyone still getting on with this, wish id put the work in sooner tbh.