Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

Hi you and congrats on 2weeks! Why switch to a non nicotine fluid right when you will be surrounded by smokers?? Would there be a better timing? Just asking (for a friend)…

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I am 13 days clean from nicotine. I picked up dip a couple years back as a coping thing but it was time to let that go. I AM IRRITABLE!!! I chew a ton of gum but refuse to put nicotine in my system. Just gum and anything chewy. Swedish fish candy lol.


Good morning all. :no_smoking::no_smoking::no_smoking:. Going into town soon and I wont need any cigarettes because I DONT SMOKE! This will be easy right? Seriously I am giving this my everything. You can only start and stop so many times before it stops you. It’s a cool sunny day here in the north of England and I going to f@£%!ng enjoy it. :+1: :man_cartwheeling: :grinning:


Hmm, you have a point. Im switching after 2 weeks just because it was my plan all along, but maybe thats not best? Ill make sure I have a nicotine one on me so I can change it if I become tempted. All good as long as I dont smoke. Mind you, if I do manage it that would be a big win :muscle:

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Hi @Butch! Swedish fish candy? Are they the black ones you’re speaking of? If so I love it :v:

That’s the way to go Col @Leveller ! You can and will do this :muscle:

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That is one fine plan B @Hailstrom. Pls let us know how you managed :slightly_smiling_face:

Kids are merciless! Thanks Fireweed. I slept until 7:08 this morning and feel awesome. Hope you all have a great sober Saturday!

They have all the right to be merciless. Smoking and vaping are a form of idiotism. Glad to hear you slept well and are doing great. Keep going like that!

So true. I needed to hear that.

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Happy to be of service :heart_eyes: anything else?

Good Sunday morning my favourite grumps :hugs:How’s everyone? I’m on 468 AF/19 cigs. Feeling a little better, eating better, started my gym and yoga. Sleeping is still crap…


Huomenta surkea :rofl:
Great numbers Hanna. I’ve been awake since 4am. All part of recovery though. You might find you sleep better now your exercising :+1:

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Oh wow thanks. Didn’t know you had Finnish skills :yum:
I just wish, been struggling with my sleep for a long time. I have a plan to reduce my caffeine intake and increase meditation. But baby steps…
What’s your Sunday gonna be like?

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Haha Google translate is a wonderful thing. I’ve been walking the dogs this morning which was really good. I’m going to be doing a bit of cooking later. Then I’m going to put my feet up in front of the fire and read for a while. I’ll be taking it easy. :+1:

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All sounds perfect Sunday to me. I’m on train heading for a meeting right now


Actually they are red and come in a yellow bag. They help with this weird tingle ache I get in my teeth when I want to put a dip pouch in.

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Day 8 AF and Day 3 Nic free. I feel a bit low today but I’m sure I will get over that once I get my arse out of bed. Another week off work for me and I’m getting a bit fed up now. I need to be back.


I quit smoking years ago but I want to wish you all strength and courage on this journey. You can do it. The first month is truly awful and you think you can’t bear it, but you can, and it gets better. I smoked for ten years but now I never think about it.

Caroline Knapp wrote a beautiful recovery memoir, “drinking, a love story”. Soon after it was published, she died, from lung cancer. Only 43. She quit drinking but not cigarettes. Please quit, stay alive to enjoy your sobriety.


Take it easy with early days AF, remember to put sobriety first :hugs: