Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

Hi @Daisy2 warmly welcome to join us, you’ve got every reason to quit as you well know. I’m sorry for the emphysema (and chirrosis) and wish you will get the best care possible in order to cope with it. As a teenager I worked in a lung disease hospital and saw everything smoking can do to a human. During that summer I didn’t smoke… may the force be with you :muscle:


Yes @planchette. A good decision. Stay in touch!

Thanks for sharing your experience / the encouragement @Blueroom. It’s a comforting thought I’m over half way of my first month… hasn’t been easy, but is possible :slight_smile:

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Way to go. Isn’t descending moon the right on to get rid of bad habits. Or do you trust in the new moon? Anyway, how’s the weather there?

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Haha, fireweed you know the flower? Didn’t think of weed when chose my nickname. My thoughts are with you @daisy2 (love daisies btw) Some of us have to really hit the rock bottom before there’s no other option than to get sober. 22 days is just great! You have any plans for going to meetings or other ways to support your mental well being? It’s time for you to take care of YOU, in every way :hugs:

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Yes you are so right @Fireweed Hanna thank you. I’m going to do this right this time. Always sobriety first :+1:. @siand posted some links to other resources like aa, smart etc etc on another thread so I am going to have a look at those today. I cant seem to motivate myself this week. It will get better I’m sure.:slightly_smiling_face:


Sounds good @Leveller take a close look at them and then choose which one to give a try first. My experience is not to think about it too much/long. Just go and experiment. More than one time each. Cause the first time will probably be of anxiety, excitement and euphoria. Couple of next times you’ll likely be able to focus more on how the system works. Mainly (as I’ve experienced AA) it’s about unity, sharing and repetition, a “miracle medicine” you cannot get from doctors :slight_smile:


I didn’t attempt to stop smoking til 4 months sobriety. I had some events over the summer that I felt I needed something to get me through and cigs really helped. I think it was an identity thing too, I had always drank and smoked and wasn’t ready to let both go! Did 6 weeks on nicotine patches and then that’s it. Nicotine free since September 2018 :blush:


That really is a lot @Daisy2 , I hope you’ll get all the help you need for all illnesses alcoholism/addiction included. First things first. And remember you’re not alone. There are many who have survived most horrible conditions to live sober, even with damage done, even disabled and life can still be good. There is hope for us…


We addicts tend to live by fear and for me living in fear is like next to being dead. Crap about that endometriosis and all hormonal related nasty stuff. Trust your intuition, my channels are blocked right now…


This @siand , I hope all in early sobriety get. Don’t try to quit smoking (unless for serious medical reasons), renovate the house, loose weight, get a Harvard degree and so on while on first weeks/months abstinent. It’s an annoying fact, but getting SOBER means, among many other things, patience. And don’t we just hate it… We want it all now or preferably yesterday. Alcohol was a quick fix for that agony. Now there’s only an option to learn patience, a very useful skill and ability (or so I’ve heard :grin:)


Day 18. So it turns out the friend I went to visit quit smoking on Jan 1 so it wasnt an issue at all. And we didnt go to a single pub (wasn’t even an issue). We also had some really good conversations about life and bettering ourselves. I opened up about my drinking a bit too which is quite unusual for me. It was a really great couple of days. I didnt switch to no nicotine in the end, but I barely touched my vape :+1:


Great news @Hailstrom. I’m so happy for this and your progress :v: I’m still non smoking (for day 22). But not so actively here. Keep posting and supporting each other :muscle:

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Ok fellows, I’m out. No excuses, I relapsed today and have to admit I’m powerless over this addiction too as Im powerless over my life. Those of you still abstinent, hang in there. It’s so worth the effort

@Fireweed On cigs or alcohol? Please take care of yourself and your sobriety. I wouldn’t worry about the cigarettes right now.

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Back to vaping at moment but will go back patches from Monday or tomorrow.

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Hidden you are so right and here is a fact for everyone. Pollution kills more people than cigarettes do.

Thanks for checking me up @Hidden. Cigs… I don’t feel like drinking is an option/solution for me anymore no matter what happens. But I take one day at a time with that too. Cigs or vaping, I’m addicted to nicotine anyway. Probably won’t buy another pack but this is a place for timeout. Next time I try, it will be about quitting nic for good.

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@Fireweed so your addicted to nicotine? No worries, at least you accept that you are. That’s a starting point isn’t it?
Know you have a lot going on now but I’m sure when you are ready you will kick the smokes.
Tomorrow will be Day 1 for me.and I am looking forward to it so much. I’m back at work after 3 weeks off and need to get back in shape. :+1:

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Thank you @Leveller :pray: I wish both your going back to work and saying farewell to smokes will go smooth :slight_smile:

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