Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

Jason. Thanks for the realities of trying to quit nicotine. I can relate to every scenario you wrote about! I’ve been 40 days with no alcohol and wanted to quit smoking the same time. I’ve quit smokes for 3 months at a time and went right back after stressful situations.
I’m hoping a can quit this nasty addiction soon!!!

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Great news man! Happy for you :muscle:

Hi everybody, still grumpy?


We are going to bring our gear home next week. Im gonna take a week off, and quit smoking again. This time forever is the goal. Im gonna isolate through the withdrawel and go from there. I know what to expect this time. Im prepared to do it.


Yay @JasonFisher I believe in you. Now if ever is the right time. Isolate but not from the grumpy a hole thread please :muscle::v:

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Hey @Little_But_Fierce Maybe have a read through the posts here and add to them? Good luck :+1:

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Thank you!


Post 1 of 3

Hey folks, this thread came back on my radar after introducing @Little_But_Fierce to it, I realized that I promised myself and my husband that I would try to quit nicotine gum when I hit 6 months AF. That’ll be in 3+ weeks :flushed:

So, I went back to the start of the thread created by @Fireweed and made a note of folks who were going to try to quit nicotine.

What’s your status? What worked? What didn’t? Any tips?


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Post 2 of 3…


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Post 3 of 3 …


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Well I’m vaping and grab a couple cigs during the day.
I’ll try again if you are.:wink:


I’m kind of scared :worried: Been chewing nicotine gum for 20 years :flushed:

But I really should… :kissing_heart:

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Suggestion: Don’t vape. :rofl:

I’m doing better though. Using lower concentration fluids (down to 0.6% or 1.2% vs. the 2.4% I’d had). That’s fine and feel okay!

That actually happened by accident situationally. Then realized for whatever reason I’m more nic sensitive than I thought: I briefly tried to finish off some 2.4% and found it made me all twitchy, so just threw it away.


20 years is quite some habit! Assume you were a smoker before too?

I found nicotine patches were good to help break the routine of smoking/vaping.

I read Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Quit Smoking. Not sure how relevant that would be to straight up nicotine addiction, maybe not so much… But probably some books out there?

The thing from his book that really resonated with me is that smoking doesn’t relieve a nicotine craving, it causes one. Cravings pass. Planning some distractions ahead of time is useful.

I quit (using nicotine patches) once before and I caved and started smoking again when I had some pretty bad depression. Pretty soon after I came off the nicotine patches this time round I had some reallyy bad depression - I don’t know if stopping smoking caused it or brought it out 🤷 In hindsight kind of wish I had used a stop smoking support service through the GP as that might have made mental health help quicker and easier to access. But who knows.

I do still wonder if smoking/ nicotine would make me feel better and am tempted to try it sometimes. But I’m nearly 18 months nicotine free now so it feels like too much progress to throw away!


I know it works for some people but it never worked for me. Although if you’re cutting down the nicotine content that’s great. I always just ended up smoking :see_no_evil:


I shouldn’t admit, I do feel better vaping. And only that off and on after almost 2 years leaves me totally not interested in a regular cig anymore.

Still, it’s a flippin’ slippery addiction and only a half step away! Do not recommend.


Oh man!!! That was a giant light bulb aha moment for me!! Really changed how I viewed the whole process of smoking and quitting. That anxious out of my skin feeling? Hey, that wasn’t stress that a cigarette would cure…that was nicotine withdrawal!! Ha! Who knew!!! It was a HUGE reframe for me.

And sugar free lifesavers…they are called that for a reason!


I should highlight this, too. Taking time to notice how either nic or withdrawal from nic made me feel and saying “Not today, Satan!” instead whenever I can hang with it. Kind of from a comment earlier up from @SassyRocks. It’s the addiction trying to wiggle its way back in!


Thank you!!! Keep the info coming please :pray:. I think I’m going to need it. I’m trying to get into the build-up stage (if that makes sense).

Yes @siand, I was a 30-40 a day smoker before the gum addiction :sob:


Honestly it was cold turkey. I made sure that I had gum and chewy candy around. I drank lots of water and it seemed to help. I have not had any nicotine since January 4, 2020. I did have some mood swings in the beginning but with time they passed.