Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

We have one more load of gear left. We are going to get it sunday.

Ive been tapering down on smoking.

Crazy how addiction is. I was doing great and feeling better as crab season came. Being on the boat two smokers was too much. I planned on smoking minimal, but it didnt work out like that.

Within a couple of days, full blown relapse. On the boat, I lit up every chance I got. Onshore, smoked a pack a day. More when I was stressed. I stress too much.

Im excited to be quitting! I have plenty to keep me busy! Many projects I’m excited about!



that morning cig is my enemy
i lit up that nasty stinky stick at 915am and i plan on going the rest of the day without. i do excellant after the morning. its just that one time of the day…


I know… my morning cig was precious to me. But I got rid of it


Stress, enemy number one for me too… Every time you’ve tapered down and had a break you’re a winner @JasonFisher


How you doing @Little_But_Fierce ?

Over 43 hours since my last smoke!
Im super antsy though. I guess this is the anxiety part of quitting. On the bright side I haven’t been super grumpy, just fidgety(?).
I’ve read the worst is around 72 hours so, yay, something to look forward to!
just keep swimming


Absolutely!!! Not easy to smoke whilst swimming :+1::joy:

You are doing GREAT!!!


Talking about stress… I’ve had smoking relapse fantasies. Dealing with homeschool, cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, quarreling kids, depressed teenager, (plus my own anxiety) alone in a single mom household with limited energy is… interesting


That antsy feeling is the withdrawal from the nicotine…it WILL go away. Keep moving forward. Lots of water and lifesavers or gummy bears or cinnamons or worthers etc. Great job!


How’s @Little_But_Fierce hanging on today?

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Hot tamales got me through the first month, but unfortunately they became my addiction. It’ll be 12 years in August and I still have them in the house to munch on.


Fascinating!! Tho I can understand the distracting hot thing and the physical reaction if they are hot enough.

I quit smoking January 23, 2007 using Chantix. It’s still cold turkey but the Chantix takes the edge off. I chewed a lot of sugar free gum, drank lots of ice water and used an on line support group that has been taken down. It’s a shame. That site was great. It was called One of the friends I made on there has a quit smoking group on Facebook. It’s called Smoking Going Gone. The man who runs it is named Dale. Tell him Birdmom1 sent you. He really understands the mental part of quitting nicotine. His favorite way the stop a crave is bite into a lemon. It really works! Actually a crave only lasts a few minutes then goes away. The longer you are without nicotine the less craves you get because the receptors in your brain die so they are not screaming for nicotine anymore. If I could quit smoking anyone can. I was so addicted I lit a cigarette before I put my feet on the floor in the morning and smoked one after I got into bed at night. I’d get up at about 3am every night to go to the bathroom and lit a cigarette. I have asthma and I’d sit at the table in the morning with a cigarette in one hand and a rescue inhaler in the other. I had a cough that sounded like someone hammering nails. If I could let that addiction go you can too!


Over 63 hours! (Counting in hours cause it sounds longer :sunglasses:) When I was preparing for this I got 3 packs of gum and a couple cases of water. I’ve been slamming water but I haven’t touched the gum yet… Every time I get a really bad craving I do 30 squats or 15 push ups. I can’t decide if that was a good plan or not yet… :upside_down_face: Thanks @SassyRocks for letting me know that was withdrawals.

Thank you Hanna for checking on me! I’m going strong!


Those are long hours so you can be very proud :clap:

Thank you for sharing Carol @Birdmom1 :pray: that was an inspiring quit story

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@siand referenced the Nope365 website. It says it follows the style of Quitnet. I’m not fully in it yet, as I’m not ready to attempt to quit today (will start in a week or two).

Nope365 screenshots :point_down:


Ahhh what fantastic news!! I’ve been following along in this thread :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:. Congratulations on being sixty some odd hours sober right now…that is HUGE. Just chiming in to say that…getting quit from cigarettes is one of the best choices I’ve ever made in my life. Second only to quitting drugs and drinking! Keep fighting this good fight…so proud to be on here with you. :heart:


Received my toolkit items today:
Lifesavers; Swedish Fish chews; Trident gum… and the Allen Carr book came early! I’m taking that as a sign :+1:

TOMORROW will be my first day of quitting nicotine gum (3 weeks earlier than expected) :grimacing::sweat_smile::upside_down_face:

Will check in here at least daily :+1:

I’m a bit nervous, but feeling strong too.


Just great @C_8! Please update how is it going. I’ve been planning to get rid of vaping in near future so gonna need all the inspiration. Near future meaning whatever between 2 weeks to 2 months… Anyway, this year :thinking: