Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

@Dazercat (Eric) posted this on a different thread.

Sharing it here as the advice looks awesome and do-able :+1::pray::kissing_heart:

“ I got some tips if your interested. I smoked many years ago and my boss paid for us to do a stop smoking clinic. It worked. I didn’t just quit smoking. I STOPPED smoking.
Anyway. The things that worked best for me were.
First 2 weeks.
No booze. U should have that down already I hope.
No sugar
No caffeine
These things are all triggers.
Drink lots of water. Seriously drink water like you’ve never drank it before. Helps flush out the nicotine.
I got some worry beads to keep my hands busy.
Get a straw. Creep it in your mouth and suck in fresh air. I remember waiting tables and I always had a straw in my mouth for about a month. Even taking orders. It was definitely a conversation piece. I found the big fat McDonalds straws work the best. Cut them in half.
Drink lots of water.
The most fun or interesting part was mess up your brain. Smoking is a habit right. Start messing up all your habits.
Sleep on the other side of the bed.
Drive to work a different route
Use your spouses car if u can.
Sit in a different spot for dinner.
Shower in the evening if u usually shower in the am.
You get the idea.
Did I say drink lots of water?
Good luck. I didn’t think this was going to be this long. But it worked for me. Maybe because my wife and I were planning on starting a family back then and I didn’t think I’d be a good example being a father with a butt in his mouth. But I had tried before and nothing worked until I had all these tools to help me.
Good luck. God bless. “


@joy posted this on a different thread earlier today. I have downloaded the App.I’m gonna chuck everything, including the kitchen sink, at this!! :crazy_face:

That’s the app that helped me, after listening for two hours, the words really stuck, every time I craved a cig my brain went back to what I’d listened to and in seconds the craving would go away. And voila, here I am +200 days later!:blush:
Blessings and sobriety!

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Hiya @Trac

Welcome to the forum. There’s probably info all over the place, but this is currently the main thread for stopping nicotine. Have a read, and post if you want to :+1:

:rofl: :+1:

This whole post is interesting. Especially the “change everything” suggestion.

It’s funny, cuz with drink as well I had to change a lot of habits. Finding new ones does help as it shatters all those old associations while building new, healthy ones.


YAY!! Day 1 completed

One day at a time :+1:


Is it called chantix there, here in the UK is called champix. :slightly_smiling_face:


Great job Cate @C_8 !




You got this!!

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Thank you!!! :kissing_heart:

What number are you on? (sorry, I’m a weirdo with a thing for numbers) :roll_eyes: I’m thinking 5, maybe 6 :thinking:

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5 days now! :hugs:


YES!!! I am very happy to stay 3 days behind you :+1:

WE can do this !! :kissing_heart:

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Thank you!! Just hoping it sticks :pray::kissing_heart:

It’s weird, when I quit cigs, I had planned to quit on new years day 2000, but actually quit on December 3rd 1999.

Similar thing with the gum. I had planned to quit April 22nd (my 6 month alcohol-free date). Instead I was a few weeks earlier, again!! :+1::grimacing::kissing_heart:

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Fabulous! :clap:

Does anyone know if dizziness, blurred vision and bad coordination - are nicotine withdrawal symptoms?


Woot woot! 3 days! I know I had all kinds of altering symptoms during the first weeks without cigs. I also use SSRI medication and it functions sometimes in odd ways with stimulants like nicotine and caffeine, meaning it could affect the withdrawal symptoms as well. Anyway I hope those symptoms pass soon. If they last and make you worry, maybe a phonecall for professional opinion?

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Thank you!!! That makes me feel less worried :kissing_heart:
I have a tele-appointment with psychiatrist on Monday, I’ll check with him then (if not before), as he has me on.SSRI’s and sleep meds. :+1:

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No prob :blush: Glad to hear you have the tele appointment coming :+1::+1:

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So proud of you!!

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Thank you!! :hugs:

And congratulations to you too :+1::kissing_heart:

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