Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

How are you feeling today?

Thank you for asking :+1: Not too bad. Will have completed 4 days in less than an hour. I guess I should count the days like I do for alcohol. A complete day is when I’ve gone to bed sober.

It’s amazing how the nicotine cravings are so similar to alcohol, So I’ve been able to use the tools I already have … although I am leaning very heavily on the replacement angle. Trying all sorts. Pur gum and lifesavers are my current go-to’s, with the occasional Swedish fish (more calories there, but yummy) :yum:

Also fewer weird physical symptoms going on. Still dizzy occasionally, and random headaches, but haven’t banged into anything today… yet!

Uhmnn, sorry. Wasn’t expecting to type that much. I gave Josie (dog) a bath and a rough blow dry (about 45 mins ago). Now it’s time for the clippers and scissors. We both hate this bit the most. So I’m procrastinating and typing too much and she’s hiding :sweat_smile::grimacing:


Day 163 alcohol free

Day 5 nicotine free. … Jeez, my cravings have been really bad today. And it seems that when I crave, I lose the ability to do pretty much ANYTHING :pensive:


This too shall pass. It’s tough for a moment but you’ll survive. After couple of days it gets easier and easier. And remember, sobriety first :facepunch:

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Thank you, and yes it will… and being alcohol free is my priority.

That’s reminded me. PSA: Trident gum was one of my nicotine gum alternatives. My Therapist recommended it !! I ordered a variety pack to determine my preference. After trying one of each flavor, I went back to Amazon for my preferred flavor. I decided to read the reviews. Saw a lot of complaints about it containing “Aspartame”. Didn’t know what that was, so looked it up. It’s “Sugar Alcohol “ WTF!!! :sob:

I’m not going to say I lapsed FFS!!! As soon as I found out, I threw the gum out and ordered “pur” gum (Aspartame free), and ate candy and lifesavers in the meantime).

Just a heads up if anyone is thinking of gum as their nicotine replacement. :smirk:

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Hey @Little_But_Fierce and @C_8 . I haven’t been on here much as I e been trying to keep a handle on life/business in all this madness. I absolutely love coming on here not only to see the two of you kicking nicotine’s a$$…but supporting each other along the way. Just know I’m Jersey there’s an addict/drunk/former smoker chick rooting for you both :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: :pray:t2::sunrise::no_smoking:


Awwwww. That is great to hear. Thank you :+1:

I’ve had a very blah day, but you just cheered me up!!! :hugs:


Thank you! I was almost at 60 days nicotine free when I had to rush my former husband to the hospital. He was a diabetic and his foot was gangrenous. The next day they amputated the side of his foot and 2 toes. While in rehab he picked up of MRSA and he was in ICU for 2 months. He was back and forth between the hospital and rehab for months and months. If that did not make me relapse and start smoking again nothing will!


From what I know sugar alcohols are not psychoactive in the same sense than spirits. They just have a same kind of chemical composition. Aspartame on the other hand is not good for brain functions if used frequently/large doses. Maybe someone wiser can explain better. So no worries of relapse :slightly_smiling_face:

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Well that has been a hell of a situation… amazing that you stayed out of cigs :muscle:

ive cut down to 3 ciggs a day for the past week.

this morning i have had 0 ciggs
i feel so great about it


High five! :raised_hand: @anon43625156

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Excellent news!! :+1::kissing_heart:


omg guys thank you for the suport
it made my mornimg

ill keep it going and ill keep close contact


Please do. When I was quitting this thread and the supportive people helped me enormously :star_struck:


Yep it’s helping me right now, especially as I’m craving a lot right now.

:pray: This will pass … :grimacing:


This will pass and you’ll kick the ass :muscle::leg:

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Hhmnnn. Thank you!! :pray:. I really liked to switch between ‘the bubble gum‘ and ‘original’ flavors.

I definitely had less cravings when I was chewing Trident, but that could just been the timing - days 1 and 2. Quite a few Amazon reviews mentioned that it took a month or so to get off trident. That freaked me out a bit :thinking:

Thank you for the info. My head is now having a very chatty conversation with itself :crazy_face::kissing_heart:

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All day
no ciggs smoked

Feelin good about that :slight_smile:

I use the patch and losenges with docs approval


day 2 without a stinky stick.

woke up tired and irritatable but no will to pick it up.

i got ta keep it up