Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

Any addiction is hard to beat. But I dunno… Nicotine is arguably less obviously life ruining and more physically addicting than a lot of things** (not a professional opinion, lol).

So respect getting over that impossible hump, yo. :+1: Keep it comin!

**Edit: This appears to be decidedly untrue. Sure as hell don’t feel that way sometimes, lol.


Woohoo that’s amazing, well done!

Yea nice one Cate! How are you finding it?

I was physically addicted to nicotine in a way I wasn’t with alcohol. I do miss it sometimes and occasionally go through periods of intense cravings but I know that they pass and that caving only causes more cravings!

Being smoke (and alcohol) free makes me the healthiest I’ve been as an adult, even carrying some extra weight. So that’s good.

I find it harder to get excited about quitting smoking over alcohol, I guess because the benefits are a bit less obvious i.e. reduced risk of developing smoking related illnesses in future. Really though, in many ways it is more of an achievement. I didn’t have a drink first thing when I woke up every day. I didn’t plan my day around alcohol breaks. I didn’t drink while I was driving. Drinking was a big thing for me, but I wasn’t physically addicted to alcohol and it wasn’t this insidious thing that I needed all day every day.


Well done you! :heart_eyes_cat:

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Well done you too :heart_eyes_cat:

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Here I go again. Last time I got 32 days or so. Before that half a year. Gonna beat it this time :muscle::grin:


Yay @MortenPL I’m here with you fingers and toes crossed. Nail that bastard! :facepunch:

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Thanks! Got it so far. :muscle::grin:

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giphy (33)


:rofl::rofl: thanks for this @AyBee

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Id like to try to quit ciggs again

They tasted kinda gross and im kinda broke like . . . all the time. . .
My girlfriend doesnt smoke ciggs either. Im sure she would appriciate spearment more.

Im all for it

Only way to go is up
Not up in smoke



YAY!!! One minute, one hour, one day at a time.

Daily goal: go to sleep nicotine-free :+1::pray::two_hearts:


Hi Matt @anon43625156
Calculate a little, f exp one year without smoking. And think of the amount of money saved. It’s not just coins. This helped me a lot as I don’t bathe in euros either :wink::muscle:


I’m going to remember (and use) that one!! :+1::sweat_smile::joy::kissing_heart:


How is it going Cate @C_8 ? :kissing_heart:

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… and 210 days alcohol-free :+1:

How about you? :hugs::kissing_heart:


Great job my lady! :clap::clap::clap::two_hearts:


hahaha batheing in euroes might defeat the purpose but its good motavation

batheing in dollar bills might give me covid

my head is telling that im not ready to quit ciggs. If this is commin with quitting ciggs, id rather deal with it now then deal with it later

Is it normal to think this?