Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

I’d say it’s very normal. Cause you’re addicted and part of you wants to stick with addictive behaviour. The first step needs courage, motivation and supportive people around. That way you have as good chance to succeed as any of us :slightly_smiling_face: but easy… it never is :muscle:


Nicotine withdraw sucks

I hate ciggs

Iv noticed i only want them when i dont have them
Im at the point where if i buy a pack id throw them away after having one

My neibore let me smoke one and i felt just as uncomfortable as if i didnt have one.

Its like im at the half way mark and dont have enough gass to turn back

I think its starting to click with me that ciggs are one of my worst addictions. Iv been smoking heavy scence i was 13 so ive had a cigg in my mouth most of my life. People have quit that have been smoking longer then me.

I really hope its ok to say and i dont go back but im making the commitment to quit.
I will need a lot of supporte here on talking sober. And lots of chewing gumm which i have :slight_smile:

What i will do is come to this thred and post often and also during cravings.

Ive practiced quitting a billion times. The hardest is the morning after my nights sleep.

Today im getting money and i want to buy the nicest smelling calone i can find and im also picking up patches at the pharmacy. I Get patches perscribed so they are cheap.

I Guess its true what they say. Nothing happends in gods world by mistake.
I know im ready this time.


Day 1. I only smoke 3-5 cigs a day, at night. There is just no reason to keep doing that. The immediate anxiety/fear that came, though. WTF?

Already a grumpy a-hole.


Spearment gum works really well for me

I knew spearment was delicously amazing

I also have juicy fruit lol
(why do i find that funny)

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Highly recommend Allen Carr’s book: The Easy way to Quit Smoking! He addresses this :point_up_2:he helps to change those neuro pathways in your brain, the books helps you make new neurological connections and dispels the ideals and myths we tell ourselves about “liking” or “enjoying” smoking. The truth is, we’re simply just addicted to nicotine and have been brainwashed to think we like/enjoy it. You said it yourself…

you no longer have to smoke them. You’re not nicotines slave. You can quit. You can do this :blush: I know you can! If I could, so can anyone. Takes commitment and determination and a clear understanding of your why. :+1::blush: You got this!


Ugh thank you so much for the supporte and recomendations on allen cars book

Hopefully i can find some of the book or something like it online

I dont have a smartphone so i cant do the apps but i have the webb at my fingertips



Here’s a couple of links for you:

Wishing you all the very best!


And here’s a link to the website for anyone who needs it or is curious :blush:


im going to look at those links right now

thank you :slight_smile:

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You know…I haven’t ramped up for this. I shouldn’t have picked up cinnamon toothpicks today. Thpt.

I second @emc2018 on this one…I’m over a year cigarette free after reading his books :+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2:



These videos are great, but if you can get your hands on the book, I highly recommend it.

And welcome to the Happy and healthy non-smoker club! You’re gonna love it here :raised_hands:

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at 11am ill be 24 hours cigg free

that guys hand gesters in the 5 easy tips video were mesmorizing lol

i got spearment in and the patch on :slight_smile:


Heyy how are you??

Im still smoke free



Heyy how are you this evening??

I hope your doing well and had a great day :slight_smile:

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I am in a great deal of physical pain this evening, silver lining is it’s hard to think of anything else.

I suffer from back and hip pain and it’s been a Covid minute since I’ve seen a chiropractor.


Oh man i hope you feel better

Try to lay down and relax your body

If you have perscribed meds, take them as directed or take some tylenol or ib profin

If you get bored while relaxing send me a message. I aint got anything to do :slight_smile:

Hey Matt, I’m good! That’s is SO awesome! This is it, you got this now man. You’re a healthy happy NON-smoker :raised_hands::pray::smiley: life is good!


:rofl: :+1:

But also :hugs:.

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Heyy everyone :slight_smile:

Wow the craving thismorning was crazy
Im so happy i pulled through

Today at 11 will be 2 days smoke free
The longest i went were 3 days

I needed those supportive messages big time

Thank you everyone :slight_smile: