Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

Great job on not succumbing to the cravings Matt! Just remember, they will subside and this WILL get easier! Whatever you do, don’t feed that nicotine monster. Just say no to that first cigarette, recognise the craving, identify the thoughts/feelings and then just accept they’re there and that they WILL pass :+1: when you’re craving distract yourself, and you’ll soon forget you even wanted one. Smoking is disgusting and you are a healthy happy NON-smoker :raised_hands::blush:


Lol you have a good way with words my friend

the craving did pass and i am very comfy in my skin again

I am a happy healthy non-smoker :slight_smile:

You are also a happy healthy non-smoker
Thank you :smiley:


Hey buddy…huge congratulations on two days! That’s no small feat. You sound strong. And committed to pushing through this hurtle. I believe that after this day is done the nicotine will be out of your bloodstream. Our addictions are cunning though. As the last bits of an addictive chemical are leaving our body…they tend to make one last push to try to get us to succumb. To put the addictive chemical back in our body. If we know this going into that 72 hour period…we can see the “cravings” for what they are…an addictions illusion. I remember that third day. My brain fought me hard. But I stayed the course. Keep yourself busy. Let yourself eat whatever you fee like today. Watch your favorite movies or visit your favorite people and places (if that’s possible) most importantly…FUCK CIGARETTES. You CAN do this. Sending you strength from NJ :muscle:t2:



thank you
yes day 2 smoke free is complete
i will keep your tips and advice to heart

how are you today??


Feeling really good today. There’s a lot of addiction showing itself in the circles around me right now. It’s reminding me what a common current this is in the fabric of human experience. It also makes me want to be here on this forum more. It’s also making me feel so wildly grateful to be sober. :yellow_heart:


i can totally look up to you for that. i ust to think drinking was the only way to have a good time. little did i know, i could do anything off my doc that i could do on my doc. i can even do more off the doc

its totally amazing isnt it?

all of those unpleasnt moments were to feel a false and deciveing pride and actually all around a deliution

today im happily me :slight_smile:

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I just got over a good craving for a cigg. If i want one all i got to do is roll it up
My roommate smokes and i picked him up a bag of tobaco that we would shear. Its always on the table

I was reading on ts and found a post that reminded me its not always going to go my way and i need to peak out of my comfort zone to get results and to make progress.

3 things triggerd the craving. 1 is that ive been awake scence 12am almost 5 hours ago and now im all grumpy. 2 is that i bought these damn vitamens for energy for a dollar vitamim b12 and im pretty sure thats why i got up so early so thats the last time i buy vitamins that arnt perscribed. 3 is that i went for a coffee at combies at about 4am which ended up just adding fuel to the fire for when i got home.

This whole thing got me thinking about how childish i actually am for thinking i need it always to go my way. I feel my stomic just like, antaganizing me give up like i would feel before a school day when i was a kid; all self made anxiety.

I did not have a cigg which means at 11am, day 4 will start.

Its 5am and im going to get some sleep.

Hey buddy…I’m glad you’re getting some rest, and even more glad that you held strong. The nicotine is really making its way out of your system now. The cravings that you will be experiencing now are psychological more than physical. As someone who loves cigarettes (and cocaine…and sugar…and coffee) I know that feeling of wanting to be “jacked up” more than sedate. I have always enjoyed the feeling of being more energized than relaxed. The more stimulants I take in though (even too much coffee) the quicker my internal mental loop gets. If there is a craving thought in that loop…then I repeat it to myself more and more and more. It might help to ease off the things that amp you up (vitamin b and coffee are two huge ones) for a little while you are getting through this craving period. Put more water into your body and do things to calm you. When you come down off the High for a little bit, the cravings may lessen in severity. Stay strong out there today. I hope you got some good rest :yellow_heart:

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I just woke up and feel much better

i threw away that vitamin and i will keep the coffee at a minamum esspecaly today

i did not like that burst of energy earlier

im still smoke free


Glad to hear it!:yellow_heart:

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today at 11am will be 1 full week with no cigg.

im so happy


Wow, 7 days as a healthy, HAPPY non-smoker already!! Awesome Matt!! :ok_hand::ok_hand: You feel happy now, well this is how you will continue to feel about yourself - proud & happy - now that you don’t smoke.
Just think, you no longer crave nicotine… Hiphiphoorayy :raised_hands::grinning: think about how good you feel right now. Your brain is no longer starved of oxygen and no doubt your sleeping better, food tastes better and your mind feels clearer - all awesome sideeffects of being a non-smoker. Big tip for your week 2: drink LOTS of water and stay really hydrated! This will help a lot :+1: so happy to read your posts mate :blush:

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yikes that 1st pic is kinda eye opening

lol 90 year old marathon runners.
thats some good motavation

thank you
im a happy healthy non-smoker
that advice got me through some hard times

sleep is better
and my smell is beyond better

and this morning was the easiest morning when it came to cravings
all it was, was a thankful thought that i didnt need to pick up that 1st cigg

thank you so much for your support. i cant do it without you guys


Heyyyy that’s awesome, you did it! :muscle::clap:


i would like to praze you guys for the support

i appreciate you all :slight_smile:




show off :kissing_heart: