Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)



Hard earned Paul. Hard earned. :+1::kissing_heart:


but I’m more proud of you, so there :v::heart::pray::100::muscle:

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No, I’m more proud of you! :rofl::rofl::rofl:
… and it’s your bedtime. You’ve already posted on that thread.


I’m so proud of all of you! @anon86726034 , @anon43625156, @Dolse71, @C_8 :smiley::muscle::raised_hands::tada::ok_hand: you are all frikin amazing and how good is it to be free!! I’m 386 days free of that nicotine monster as of today! And I can’t tell you how great it is, but you already know! Keep on keepin’ on my friends :blush::pray:


thank you and well done to you too. Does it ever cross your mind now?

No, not at all. Thank God :pray: a big part of this has been my choice to be sober, as alcohol was always my trigger for smoking. I’d quit but then get drunk and smoke again. Over and over. Now that I don’t drink, I never even think about smoking, but it did take a while to get here. Eliminating nicotine from the body is kind of the “easier” part, so to speak, the real challenge comes when your changing your whole way of thinking, your belief system around smoking and the lifetime of brainwashing. that voice in our head that tells us why we “need to have one” and makes excuses, but that’s all they are, excuses and BS… that little monster trying to get us to have one more so we’re hooked again. But, as long as we don’t smoke that first cigarette, then we can’t and won’t become hooked ever again. And we begin to think differently, new pathways in our thoughts/brain are created and we finally become free :blush: and you start to feel proud and accomplished in your decision, and want to help others experience the joy too


i smell normal lol
one of my fav benifits

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@anon43625156 @Dolse71 @C_8 @anon86726034 guys…this thread is making me so happy this morning. Congrats to those of you celebrating milestones (which is every day off cigs of course) they were the last official vice that I was able to let go of (even though now I still see my addictive tendencies showing up in places like sugar and even tv) and I think we should give ourselves a huge hug for stepping away from this insidious addiction. So honored to be on this sober journey with you warriors :yellow_heart:


… and it’s lovely to wake up to your post! It’s the first one I saw today :+1::pray:


wow lastnight was the first time i chilled with a friend who smoked. he offerd to shear around 3 times. im so happy i didnt.

it was also one of the 1st things my accountabilaty partner (my amazing girlfriend) asked about. im very happy i behaved


Way to go Cate @C_8 ! :heart_eyes:


OK i made it back

Unffortunatly i picked up a cigg. Its been 5 hours without.

I noticed ciggs are a very slippery slope because the cravings right after were a little tough.

I managed to beat the cravings and bad mood with a unguided medatiation. It was like resting and i let my thoughts come and go and i managed to just be

Ciggs still stink

people say addiction is all the same but when you give up multiple things you soon find out they each have their own little twists, the only thing that’s the same is the trying trying not to have one.

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keep going!!

smoking really makes you smell bad. like real bad. i smelt like ka ka. im not kidding.

now i smell like chewing gum :slight_smile:
much much better

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what flavour :thinking:, weed used to make my paws around my nose and my ears smell of cheese :nauseated_face:

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My least fav cigg was regular. I never bought menthol :wink:

I have relapsed for cigs. I call it Corona smoking but that excuse sucks big time :slightly_frowning_face:

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What are all cons of smoking? Just so that I won’t be an idiot and start smoking myself