Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

Oh please do hang around here. We all are addicts and know how it goes. My current “excuse” is nerve-wracking wait of medical results. Smoking for that reason is a paradox​:roll_eyes:Anyway, this thread is for us all regardless of the phase, even if quitting is just a seed of thought :hugs:


Tomorrow I will be joining the grumpy train. Have the low dose patches but the stupid things keep falling off. Definitely a hard habit to kick. Last time the nightmares kicked my butt for a few days, not looking forward to the withdrawal. Tips and advice appreciated, not my first time trying and definitely a stress/boredom smoker…gets really bad when I’m writing and am currently working on a dissertation. Still, want to be free of addiction so in need of some input from the gang.


For me the realisation that every cigarette actually causes a craving, rather than relieving one, was the Biggie. The mood swings pass. The cravings pass.

If you smoke when you are stressed or bored, what can you do instead? Go for a walk? Glass of water? 50 star jumps? Sing a song? Meditate? Take regular breaks from your writing, more frequent than you would usually take a cigarette break.

I also kept one of the benefits of quitting smoking handy. Like after the first hour, first day, first week, these are the health improvements. Every time I had a craving, if I had a cigarette I would be starting up that cycle again and be back at square one.

The feeling you get when you realise that you are no longer a slave to a poison stick is pretty cool. Look forward to that!


Awesome!That’s a lot of €€€
LovIng your number too!! :+1:


Woot woot! :metal:

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Awesome numbers you too @C_8! Proud of you :muscle::heart:

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Thank you!!! :kissing_heart:

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I started smoking again during lockdown :neutral_face: Totally gross. Time to give quitting another go. Im not gonna use a vape this time, cant be bothered with it.


Me too :woman_facepalming:t2: :zipper_mouth_face:

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Urgh, horrible isn’t it. I’ve already messed up this morning :frowning:

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Let me add some motivation too. It can be done friends! My mantra was and is NOPE (not one puff ever). Worked for me. With a little help from my non-smoking friends. Saved about €15,000 by now.


Me too… :-1:

Thanks Menno @mno :pray:
Love the numbers and the cat :heart_eyes:

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Ok, so today wasnt great, but not a disaster. I ended up smoking but much less than usual. Will do better tomorrow.


I just started my first official stop at vaping. I started at 12mg when I began doing it and over the last 1.5 yrs I’ve worked my way down to zero. This is my first 24 hours not having it. I know it’s just the start but I’m ready to move on with better habits.
The trick for me was as I tapered off, I would only use it at home and leave it there when I left so I’m away from it for 48+ hours. I hope this works. I believe this forum will help me. Thanks everyone!


Hey @GrnOtterPop ! Good strategy. You seem determined and prepared. You can do this :+1::muscle::blush:

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I’ve had it with this. No more half assing. Tobacco in the bin. Time to get through day 1.


Love this saying! Go for it @Hailstrom :facepunch:


Now that’s the right spirit! Never take that first puff and you’re guaranteed to win. One day, one crave at a time friend. You can do this.


Through my efforts in the past, I found that if I can stop myself from the first puff, whenever, I can make it till sleep without binging. Weird for me but I realized that and figured that might be the key for someone else. I hope that helps you! You and me on same time table. Let’s check in later =)