Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

I’ve been sober for 71 days and I’m on day 15 of not smoking and using the step 1 patch. It’s been fairly easy for the most part but i really really wanted to quit. I also have the 4 mg lozenges for those few times I felt i might pull my hair out or :facepunch: someone in the throat. I have another week then I will drop to step 2. I’ll deal with the total nicotine withdrawal when the time comes but for now the important thing is I’m not inhaling all the poisons and carcinogens. Good luck to everyone - we can do this!


Day 2. Well I did it but Im feeling pretty ghastly. Headache, chest hurts, generally just yuck. Oh well, time to get through today :+1:


How you getting on @GrnOtterPop?

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Doin good. Just woke up and about to leave the house for a few hours, so the vape won’t be coming with me. If I can just Rollin and skip that first puff, I’ll be on my way to day four!
How about yourself?

Want to be a grumpy a-hole … But after last binge/relapse given the ultimatum from the wife…and not sure relationship can take strain of kicking/controlling both vices.


Hi @Bears515054 :wave: for how long have you been sober?

Good to hear :+1: I’m alright, I got really bad cravings a couple of hours ago so went and played basketball for a bit. Seems to have done the trick thankfully :smirk:

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Day 3… this time.


Morning/evening guys. I can’t believe it I’m just about to hit day 7 of no smoking. I found Nicorette QuickMist works well for me. Tip: If you do try it though, spray inside your cheek and not at the back of your throat as it burns! You may get hiccups for a short while but it takes the edge off wanting a cigarette. Good luck we can do this :+1:


Thanks for the tip @Lucasarillious and congrats on day seven :muscle::slight_smile:

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Thanks @Fireweed :+1:

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I’d say sobriety first. Giving up one substance is hard enough. Multiple substances… a torture

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Day 4. Thought about smoking the minute my eyes opened this morning, hmfff. It’s ok tho cause I don’t smoke anymore.


You badass you :facepunch:

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Haha, thanks!! Trying to have a positive attitude over here :sunglasses:


You better do have this positive attitude bc you have every right to have it! Great going friend. Never have that first puff. The craves will become less just as long as you don’t give in.


Cheers bud :grin:

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Still going good, I see… me too! Five days and counting! :muscle:


Great work @GrnOtterPop! :muscle:

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Day 18 of no smoking and day 74 of sobriety. I am really glad I chose to quit smoking now instead of waiting until I had more sober time under my belt. I use the same tools and coping skills for both so that’s really helped. If I was able to quit alcohol without much trouble, I can do the same with the smoking. Hang in there everyone. We’ve all got this - one minute, 1 hour and one day at a time. Easy does it and be patient with yourselves.