Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

Day 5. First morning so far where I haven’t craved the minute I wake up. The smell of cigarettes is starting to leave my apartment. Have a good day all :+1:


Great perspective. Congrats on days so far and wish you’ll keep adding those numbers as determined as you are now :muscle::slight_smile:

Yass! The smell… is one thing I surely won’t miss :unamused: hair, clothes etc… :confounded:

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Yeah, it’s foul. I’ve been burning incense to try and cover it up a bit. Funny how quickly you notice it once you stop.


I’ve been eating mints like a robot…


Good for you, my friend! I’m at 7 days and I’m just so proud of myself. This morning I woke up with an urge but to counter that, I immediately left the house, leaving my vape behind, and went to work. That was 5.5 hrs ago and I’m feeling good. I’m looking forward to the toxins to be removed fully from my system.
I never got the smell of smoking on me from vaping. Which was very nice but I could definitely still feel negative effects from it.
Keep going man, WE CAN DO THIS!


So you should be, that’s great! I’m at the end of day 6 now and feeling good, not craving too much. The first hour of the day seems key for me. Once I get through that, I don’t really think about it much. And so much of my smoking was out of boredom so working on not letting myself get bored :+1:


Good for you man! I’m proud of you =) Yea, I agree… it’s the first hour that is the toughest. Since joining the program, I’ve learned to be patient with myself and taking this new challenge one day at a time just like alcohol.


I am at 4 months and 1 day away from cigarettes and 9 days off nicotine gum! This is not my first time quitting, but I really feel like it’s going to stick this time. Longest I’ve made it is 8 months and I’m really looking forward to breaking that record! Just gotta remember I cannot smoke just one cigarette! Not a puff, not a drag… it always makes it way back to full time smoking. I think that now I know I won’t fool myself again.


Sugar free life savers were just that for me
…life savers!!!

And @siand totally hit it on the head…

Once I understood that the anxiety / craving was CAUSED by the nicotine, it helped a lot.

As well as tossing out all the nicotine replacements (gums, patches, etc). It wasn’t just the associations/habits (get up, smoke, have coffee, smoke, get in car, smoke, etc) that needed to be changed, but most especially I needed to get the nicotine out of my system, otherwise I remained at risk for relapse.

Good for you for chugging those mints!!!


One thing that has really, really helped is recognizing that what I often think is a cigarette craving is some other emotion or feeling like boredom, anxiety, excitement, anger… once I identify and acknowledge what I really feel I realize the cigarette wouldn’t help anyway and the sensation passes.


Yeah!! Go for it guys.
A little advice, you have to refill that empty space with some other activity. Keep a good diet, workout and lots of discipline. Seems to be working wonderful for me.


Good going bud! Day 8 here so first week in the bag :+1:


Hi all. I’m on day 13 off the cigs! This is easily the longest I’ve been smoke free for 25 years (thats bad when you write it down). Im starting to feel the cravings are less frequent and don’t last as long as the did at first. I’m still using the spray which is working for me. Good luck everyone you can do it👍


are you serious ? damn ! i wish i could do it as well

Well done @Petri :muscle: might it be you’re a Finn?

Thanks dude. No I’m not a Finn. I’m from Romania :slight_smile:

Edit: A little update

Now all I have to do is to stick to the plan.


Day 12. Still going, feel pretty good and not craving much :+1:


Well done @Hailstrom :muscle::+1::facepunch:

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Well I broke my smoke free streak (smoke free since September '18 and nicotine free from October '18) at the weekend. I reset my counter Saturday night, had some more smokes Sunday morning but didn’t reset again because I forgot until much later. Not sure how to edit but if I can I will, if not I’m not bothered about being 12 hours out.

Anyway, despite not really wanting to be quit any more, my bf (rightly) said smoking is stupid and don’t start smoking again. So I’m making it a slip and moving on. It’s shitty to reset my timer but as long as I don’t make a habit of it then I still basically consider myself smoke free since September '18.

Got another social gathering coming up at the end of August where lots of people will be smoking. Need to prepare for that.