Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

@siand that’s the attitude, just move on girl and you’ll be fine :kissing_heart::muscle::facepunch:

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happy day

everyday at 7:15pm is another day cigg free

its 10:28pm which means day 5 is complete
onward to day 6

it was a crazy day but i did it


Day 19. I feel surprisingly ok, really not that bothered atm. No real cravings, but I’m not taking it for granted. I feel a certain acceptance, similar to when I quit drinking :+1:


on day 6 no cigg

the longest ive willingly went in 17 years

i feel better and better each day


Well done :+1: I’ve been smoking for about 20 years. Its got to go :wastebasket:


i picked up my 1st cig when i was 13

i have been a very heavy smoker sence

something thats helps me cope with the cravings is chewing gum

insted of smelling like stail smoke, i smell like strawberry gum lol

its only been 6 days but i feel so much cleaner

im a grumpy a hole quitting ciggs

7:15pm in the evening will be the end of day 6 and the begginning of day 7

i still have cravings but the second they pass is like a breath of fresh air and i feel so realeved

i think, but not sure, my sleep is gettin effected. some here mentioned that a while ago

i toss and turn all night yet im up early. i have to keep an eye on that because that sounds like something thatll cause me to be exosted over also staying sober which also could be the cause or the sobriety and cigg abstinence could be gaining up on me.

i still just dont want a cigg so ill be continueing this new way to live.

im happy :slight_smile:

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Alrighty fellas

Ive been using the patch and lossenges for 8 streight days.

With the support of you guys and the nolage im cutting out lossenges and sticking to non-nic gum. I have a lot of non nic gum and im finally putting it to use.

Im still on the patch to help me out
Im feeling good about quitting the lossenge and being cut out makes me cut down on giving in to the urge of nic

I also love the non nic gum

Wish me luck



hahaha nasty

guys i messed up on day 10

im still sober but i smoked ciggs lastnight late and had a nasty bowl of ciggs thismorning for breakfast

they gave me a upset stomic

what started my cigg binge was quitting the lossenge for a day then i thought i could do it without the patch and taking off the patch was the straw that broke the cammels back.

sooo today day 1 starts
ugh my stomic did not aprieceat those stinky sticks

the reason i wrote about it was to hold myself accountable

i will beat 10 days no doubt

i just got back from a bike ride and i got my perscription patches and lossenges refilled

this time around i got it. i hounesty feel sure about it

and that pic looks so bad ! !

I understand exactly what you mean. I quit in 2008 and have had a couple of cigarettes here and there since them (last one was maybe 5 or 6 years ago when I bummed one while I was drunk). I didn’t consider them a relapse, but a slip and did not reset my quit date as I did not start up again or have any craving to. I am very grateful nicotine no longer runs my life. Keep moving forward @siand. :purple_heart:



hahahaha so bad

29 hours cig free :slight_smile:


Day 25. All good over here. Sat around with smokers for the first time in ages yesterday. Was fine, no desire to smoke :+1:


no disier to smoke here either

day 2 is complete

feeling strong


This is very helpful and soo good
Keep going you guys

Made 100 days of staying of the cigarettes today!




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Mexican waves :muscle::star_struck:

checking in on day four no ciggs
this morning was tough but i pulled through

its always the morning where the craving is strongest

atleast after all of that it gets easier

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