Great work, good to see you going strong
Feels like a thread worth bumping.
How y’all doing?
You don’t say
Lovely stuff, well done
62 days here
Added this to my tracker yesterday. I’m not sure how much I’ve saved, but since I smoked 1ppd, I’m pretty sure it’s been a crap load of money. It’s funny that at times I still crave a cigarette.
I’m not sure what happened but I am smoking again at the moment
Went from occasional blips at the weekends to all week this week. I have lost all motivation for being quit. I think I convinced myself that nicotine helps with the depression. I do kind of believe it, but am not enjoying the scratchy throat and notice it walking up the hill to my house already.
So yea, that’s where I’m at with it. Find it hard to apply the same principles to nicotine as with alcohol, cos the negative side effects are mainly what could happen in future rather than what has happened in the past.
Going to start hanging out here more again for motivation, you guys are awesome
Only managed half a cigarette this morning. It was gross and it hurt my throat. I’ve got a little blister on my finger too from smoking. My body is trying to reject this posion. I bought some NRT stuff the other day, going to use that today.
There has been some studies into using tobacco as an antidepressant. So there is something to that. It has been rejected though. And I agree with the reverse in before and after effects. Although I can mention a few adverse effects from smoking when I did. Bad breath. Stinking clothes. Burn wholes in my clothes and furniture. The coughing. The shortness of breath. My walls and everything else covered in disgusting tar. The feeling of dependency, reaching for a smoke when I woke up in the middle of the night. The times I feel asleep with a burning fag in my hand and I was lucky not to kill myself.
In the end it’s an addiction like all the rest. One that will kill us. And moderation doesn’t work. I’m only a drag away from 2 packs a day and I know it. You do too I am sure Siand. Use some NRT asap and quit this shit. You deserve better friend. Hugs.
Stopping that morning cigarette was probably the most difficult part for me. If I could get through the morning there was a good chance I’d get through the day. I also made much more of an effort to not rely on a vape to ween myself off this time and I think that was really beneficially. I did use one a little early on but was really concious of not letting it become a replacement.
The fact that you are finding it gross aswell is a good sign I think. I certainly started to feel disgusted by it leading up to this current run.
I’m on day 86 now and although I know it’s very early still I’m feeling pretty confident with it.
Yep 100%. I had a fairly decent run at the start of the year and then started again during lockdown. Within a week I was on a pack a day
Day 86 is awesome Bob
That’s the exact reason I haven’t taken one drag since 2008. I doubt I could stop cold turkey, if ever of I picked up again.
My wife still smokes, and I spend about $500 a month buying them on the local Army base. That’s a new xbox series x, but hey…
I did have one more smoke after this, but then I filled my pack of tobacco up with water and put it in the bin (I did throw it away a week ago, but undamaged, so I got it out again!). Anyway, been using some ‘Nordic Spirit’ pouches for the rest of the day, might stick with these for now rather than patches. See how I go.
I made it over 18 months smoke free before and now I have proven to myself that nicotine is not the antidepressant I want it to be!
I need to hold on to the cough, the breathlessness, the blisters on my fingers and the not having to go outside every hour in the winter, to enjoy my nice warm cosy home or being able to walk up the hill to our house without struggling.
Ok ok, that tickled me
I have only started my day with a cigarette a few times recently, but now that it is not an option or is what I want more than anything!
Even though I know it would hurt and make me feel rubbish.
It will pass. Going to get up and get the kettle on. Will actually be able to taste my cup of tea!
Yes, it will pass. Make tea, put some music on, tidy up a bit. Do whatever distracts you from it. Replacing that hand to mouth action is good so a hot drink is perfect. Don’t give the thought time to grow