Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

Stay close to people :joy:

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My experience when it was cigarettes, if it helps… No nic some time before sleeping is a great step.

Pro: I found I was able to sleep much better and quickly. That can certainly help the next transitions. And got used to some discomfort in early evening.

Con: I was reliving a small, initial withdrawal/reward cycle everyday versus one hard quit. That’s okay, maybe, if the discipline is there. But it’s something to take notice to prepare for next steps. How tricksy it is…


Good points, thank you! :pray::+1::kissing_heart:

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How’s you?


I remember those days!! :pray:

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Maybe you’ve said, but do you take them off before sleep?

Sitting in a meeting and slamming coffee with extra espresso shots! The people and the caffeine buzz are working for now.

Nice patch! Super sytish!!

I did manage to stop in 2015 when I was in treatment for 25 days, but only for the 25 days. The patch definitely helped then. I’m going to see how it goes for a couple of days though.

No this is for 24 hours and I need it in order to get some sleep. But I’m gonna use only one pack of 5 then it’s farewell. Have chewing gum too but still not taken it

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Huh! Maybe I’m weird then. Patch while sleeping always gave me tripped out sleeps. :woozy_face:

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When I used one I slept with it on. Didn’t notice anything. Maybe it depends on the strength.

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Truth. It was more the first step ones. I think they do recommend 24 hours including sleep if you can hack it.

Take someone with you as a hostage. You’ll need it.
Thank you very stylish :joy: that patch colour is really odd. I mean why cannot it be white, black or whatever except this “skin” colour which reminds me of olm.

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Yeah I believe so. Do you remember how many milligrammes nicotine your patch had @Eke? Mine is 1 mg

Yes. I need a hostage to keep me from chewing, nothing like prison time to get you to stop chewing!

1 mg?! I wanna say they were 21, 14, then 7 mg.

Edit: Yep! For those who smoked more than half pack per day

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I have to check it

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What ever it takes! :blush:


Wtf was I saying, it’s 21 mg. Sorry :speak_no_evil:


Those numbers look more like it to me, but I did it 20 yrs ago :joy:

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Hmm. Maybe I should get locked up. :thinking:

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