Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

Are you neighbours?

Brain and/or eyesight already impacted huh? :rofl:

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If you only knew… my brains… lolz

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Arghhh… sorry!! :flushed::kissing_heart:

One of the sharpest we have, Hanana! :+1:

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Don’t be darling I’ve always been a little lost :joy: especially with numbers…

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Shall I use PayPal for the transaction or how would you like to get paid…?


There we go. Our new program, get locked up for your sobriety!


BBP behind bars programme


F ing love it!!!

Lack of nicotine brings out the genious in us :rofl:

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Can we automatically enroll any A-holes we don’t like into the program as well?

You wanna hang around with them? Think it through. There are A-holes and a-holes…

So true. This nicotine withdrawl is f’ing with my head!

Makes wonders… Still not grumpy?
Im gonna say goodnight it’s midnight here. Wish you well for today. Fight on, get hostages, go to prison, whatever but don’t chew :muscle:


I’m grumpy as hell. This seriously sucks. That shit was like entertainment for me. Gave me something to do. F this. I’m not chewing but F this! Day one officially sucks!

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The first 3 days I had some mind warping nicotene withdrawels. It was a real bitch. I feel for ya. Hang in there. The intensity will pass.


What about the nicotine gum?

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I’ve used it in the past, not one of my favorites and its expensive. I will slap patch on and see if that helps. Hell, I might have to do both! Lol


It’s crazy that’s for sure. Grumpy is an understatement! I will make it through tonight, but who knows what tomorrow will bring. Thanks for the encouragement.