Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

Climbing back on my horse includes becoming Lucky Luke again without the cig.




Dont give up giving up Rob. Its worth it :+1:


Of course you did. Smoking was never an option. :grinning:. Seriously, well done :clap:


You chose to be free today! Congrats Rob.


Piece of cake girl! :sunglasses: :kissing_heart: :upside_down_face:


Commenting for motivation!!! I want to quit smoking so badly…


OK I relapsed on Wednesday. Wasn’t gonna post it cos don’t want to trigger but hoping this can give you some motivation.

First one, not gonna lie, was good. Second one too. By the third already a slave. No tangible benefit to stress or anxiety. Last night I woke up at 2am to go out for one. It’s been pissing with rain and I’ve been wasting time and money to get wet, make my throat sore, my breath smell and it’s harder to walk up hills (it’s v hilly where I live). I could go on but hopefully you get the idea…

Just kick that shit to the curb and move on with your life! Also loads of fantastic of posts on this thread.

I’m getting right back to it for all the reasons outlined above.


An honest account from an honest person. @siand you dont need me to tell you the downsides.
Good share. :muscle::grinning::+1:


So basically we are lying to ourselves when we say our stress would go down if only we could smoke again. Doesn’t surprise me since so much of addiction is a complete lie.

Thank you for your honesty. It didn’t trigger but was a very vivid and valid reminder that it only takes one moment of weakness to put us right back into the depths of hell.

Much respect.


The only stress relieved by smoking is the stress caused by not smoking. This type of stress is a symptom of withdrawal. Withdrawal from nicotine occurs within 30 minutes after the last intake of it, and so does this type of stress. Stress which is relieved by a new hit.

So once the physical withdrawal is over (1 to 3 weeks or something like that) there will be no relieving of this type of stress by smoking. No releieve of any other type of stress ever occurs when ingesting nicotine.


I think there is something about the ritual or action or something that feels like it will be comforting because it’s familiar. But yea that’s just the trickery of addiction!

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Still cigarette free!

It feels a little more normal not to smoke each day. Im still tempted to buy a pack everytime I’m at the store.

The cravings have become easy to ignore.

I was trying to cut back on internet time before I quit smoking. The best side effect of quitting has been not being able to hold still for very long. I have been spending a lot less time online. I like it!

Food tastes amazing!

I can breathe so much better!

This is the longest I have made it since I started smoking again.

I had quit Cold Turkey. I didn’t smoke for sixteen years when I started again.

That was 13 or 14 years ago. Time flies. I intended to quit the moment i started again.

Cigarettes became my emotional crutch again. It was marriage problems that gave me the excuse to start again. Then, I never let go.

Every problem. Every good thing, every pause, every time I felt I deserved a “reward”, every stressful scenario. Everything! Those damn cigarettes became a part of everything.

I have failed at quitting so many times. Dont give up. Keep quitting until it sticks.

I’ve saved about 500 bucks on cigarettes. :money_mouth_face::muscle:


I was talking to my grandson about this last night. I called it muscle memory and he said ritual which really made sense. Working hard to get beyond that right now. I still grope to my left on my bed for my cigarettes before I stand up to go outside. I get so irritated at myself over that while laughing at myself at the same time.


Well done @JasonFisher and @SassyBoomer for staying smoke free. You have both done great work. Them smokes do become a huge part of our lives, before a job during a job then after a job no matter how big a job it was smoke time. How they fooled us. Not anymore though never again.
I have so much confidence back even just walking into a shop knowing I dont smell of smoke. I look at smokers with pity now and think isnt it great thats not me.


Made it to day 30!!!
Cravings…still there…but making it smoke free as of today!


Yay you Teresa! Great milestone lady. Big congrats. Hugs and love too.


4 months since I made the best decision of my life. I will never ever go back.NOPE! :full_moon_with_face:


Hey, so I’m back again. I couldn’t get past day 3 the few previous times I tried. Today I got through day 4 so I’m a step further. Feeling ok. Keep thinking about drawing on a fag but hopefully that will pass soon enough. Using patches and got the inhalators that were recommended. I haven’t used it loads, perhaps a go in the morning and I had a go on Friday at work when I’d usually go for a smoke in the break. Didn’t wear a patch today but will put one on tomorrow or I might be risking it a bit. Breathing better already :smiley: here’s to Day 5 :muscle::muscle::facepunch:t2: tomorrow x