Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

Awesome! Keep focused on how hard it was to set that four day record. Its been a huge help for me to overcome cravings as I go.


:muscle: Awesome!


Congrats on you month and 24 days now.
I saw your avatar pop up and thought I’d check you out. Great job. Buddy :clap::clap::clap:


Woohoo 4 months is epic!!! Did you get constipated? :joy: serious question. This is the No.1 reason why I always start smoking again, can’t handle that blocked up feeling :nauseated_face:

My brother is here fitting new worktops and sink. He keeps popping into the garden for a smoke and it is driving me crazy aaarrghh I won’t give in to the cravings though :muscle::muscle:

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Only for a short while. I found eating plenty fresh fruit and veg and drinking plenty water helps things along. Oh and being more active walking and exercising :+1::full_moon_with_face:


I’m so close to relapse that it isn’t funny. I actually went thru the ashtrays looking for halfies. Came here like suggestioned instead. NOPE. Help me. Inspire me. Motivate me. I’m powerless atm.

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Its like that sometimes. breathe. don’t go to the store. This too shall pass!


I understand you so well, had to leave a gathering 30 minutes after arrival because my mind couldn’t handle seeing other people smoking, cravings hit really hard!
What worked for me was the thought of how I should put myself first, this is my health and my freedom which I’ve had enough of gambling with in the past.
I wonder if this may work for you as well, remember your reasons for quitting, think of the progress…and ugh :weary: think about how it stinks!


Aw no way, you’ve come so far :heart: Imagine that horrible cough and being stuck in the trap again and having to start all over again :sob::sob: no way Sis, you got this :muscle::muscle: deep breath, deep breath x


Wrapping up day 6 smoke free and it feels great. So pleased to get this far. I bought this ashtray in Thailand many years ago. I dug it out again to remind me how disgusting and lethal smoking is :nauseated_face: as if I need reminding!


For you friend. Hang in there. Sometimes NOPE is all we have and all it takes. You’re not alone. Smoking is Stupid. Smoking Kills. Hugs.


Safely headed to bed. Love you guys :heart:


I haven’t spent my cigarette savings yet. Its burning a hole in my pocket.
I’ve been shopping a little. Looking at things. Two new rods and reels, and two underwater cameras are in my cigarettes savings budget.

Much better than lighting 100 dollar bills on fire.


Day 7 smoke free coming to an end. When I wake up in the morning I will not have smoked for a whole week and that feels great x


Hey peeps, just wrapping up day 9 :heart: smoke free. Had a few pangs today but pushing through.
Last night and this morning I had a really scratchy sore throat. This evening I have a banging headache and running nose. I must have the shitty smoker’s flu. Feeling crappy. I’ve cancelled my piano lesson as it is first thing in the morning. Still hoping to go to work for 12, see how I feel tomorrow…


Hiya Hayley, well done on passing your week. Hope that cold and flu passes as well soon. @JasonFisher new rods and reels sound good. New camera lens coming up for me i think. :+1:


@Hayleylujah Your killin it! Nice! I hope you feel better!
@Leveller 4 months plus savings will get you a really nice lens! What do you shoot?

Sixty days! :muscle:

Time has been flying. I have been really busy. I still get some cravings. Most are really easy to get through. I still have some cravings that mind f*ck me a little. I was really tempted to grab a smoke from my coworkers pack a few days ago. I had to keep talking myself out of it until the opportunity passed. Even though it was more tempting than I’d like it to be. I felt really proud of myself for not giving in.

My previous record was 26 days. That was almost three years ago.

I’m not going back!:muscle:


Day 10 nearly over. Mad how I cling to these numbers. Didn’t make it to work. Have been terrible all day. Just had a shower as I felt so rough and back in bed. Hope tomorrow is better :+1:t2:


Or you just might be getting a seasonal cold. Regardless, keep getting better at getting better!

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