Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 2)

:raised_hands:t4::tada::raised_hands:t4:. Way to go with your 1 month milestone :muscle:t4:… I’m sure you are already feeling the benefits. Keep up the great work

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Day 26 Vape Free :grin:




Day 27 Vape Free :blush:



Thank you for the invite :raised_hands:t3: Hello everyone, I recently quite smoking cigarettes which has been fine and working through… however, vaping took over that hobby full time which i officially quite as well 00h00 today. It’s going to be a tough ride, but im super focused. Hope you all having a great day x


Welcome friend… great job on starting your day 1 journey in no vaping :clap:t4::clap:t4:. How’s it going so far?

Read through the thread for great tips and also as a form of distraction if the cravings hit. You are doing an awesome job with all your timers :muscle:t4:

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Hey Jazzy, thank you… Guess I jumped the gun a bit. Im in the pre-quiting phase and thought Id be able to do it but relapsed on the vaping at 17h00 today. I dont have alot of juice left, so my plan is to finish that and then to not buy any more. Will update for sure when that happens. Not smoking ciggies, so still a win there.


The plan to not buy more is great - that is your mental start date and sometimes we need that in between time. In the mean time put together a plan for when the urges hit and what you will do to keep yourself busy (like with other vices but this one you will also need to work on the oral fixation). Chewing on a straw or gum or sucking on a lozenge have been helpful for others.

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Thanks Jazzy, noted. Will definitely put a plan together to help me get through this. Regarding lozenges, i actually do favour fisherman lozenges, not sure if you heard of those. Cherry is my favorite!

have not heard of these but will look into em – I do love cherry flavored anything LOL.

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30 days Vape Free :grin: Has anyone else felt breathless since quitting vaping. I do suffer with Asthma but even the smallest amount of exercise and i feel out of breath. Xx


Yayyy congrats on the milestone @Seizetheday

I remember it took awhile for my br we athing to get better and i think it got worse before it got better. Give it time youre healing :sparkles:

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Yippee :clap:t4::clap:t4:. Way to go with your 1 month milestone :tada::muscle:t4::tada:

The lungs will take time to heal. Totally normal to be out of breath at the beginning…this does go away as your health starts to recover and believe me it is glorious when you can start taking in full breathes if fresh air without coughing or having trouble breathing. It only gets better… keep up the great work :muscle:t4:


Hi all. I’m cranky. I’m on day 4 of no vaping. I decided to come see what the community is all about because I am feeling down about it. I don’t feel proud for quitting because I didn’t want to (my spouse and I are quitting because our child asked us to.) But then, I am also not proud of being 400 days sober from alcohol tomorrow either, because I wasn’t addicted to that. So I think that all just says something deeper about all this that I’m not seeing or understanding about myself. Anyways, I’m cranky and disheartened and this FÜM thing for flavored air just isn’t doing it for me.


Welcome to the community and a great job on your 4 days of no vaping :clap:

I do want to say congrats on your 399 days of alcohol free time as well. I know it is hard to feel good / proud of it when you don’t think you have a addiction or when you are doing it for someone else. I know it is not an easy thing to put together these many days alcohol or vape vise and you are showing some great strength.

This is a wonderful community full of support and advice. Take some time to read through the thread for tips to help you with keeping off of the vape. It will be easier to handle the grumpy over time. Just keep doing what you can to resist the urges. :hugs:


Checking in day 20 of no ciggies, and day 2 of no vaping!!! At home on sick leave, not feeling well at all but pushing through.


All the more reason to persevere Eben! I remember when I still smoked, always smoking however I felt. Coughing and spluttering and nearly choking with the flu but still needing my nicotine fix. You’re doing great! Keep going man. Be well.


These are great numbers…keep at it and hope you feel better soon :pray:t4:

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Thank you so much for the reply :heart: xx

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Thank you :heart: xx

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