Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 2)

Hell Yeah girl! Way to go with your willpower :muscle: ODAAT and i see your days are getting closer to that 1 year mark WOOT WOOT! :tada:

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Two full houses this morning!

at a pack a day that 14,000 cigarettes. I smoked more most of the time. INSANE!


Nicely done Jason :clap: :clap: Grateful to no longer be living that life of insanity :tada:

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So very cool. Congratulations!

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Nice catch! I stopped at s store on Sunday and saw that cigs were $13 per pack, and I donā€™t know if that was the cheap brands. Thatā€™s almost 78 thousand dollars since I quit! Now I know how I could afford those goods things these past years.


Still right behind you by 18. Keep kicking ass CJ :muscle::no_smoking::+1:

333 days no tobacco
Smoking bad
Fresh air good


Nicely done! Great number :muscle:t4::muscle:t4:. Keep fighting the good fight :tada::confetti_ball:


Hi friends!! Grumpy a hole here. Hour 29 no ciggsā€¦ almost 4 yearā€™s no boozeā€¦ this seems way more difficultā€¦ im gonna need you guys!!


You got us love! 4 years no booze is amazing work and looking at you with over a day of no cigs! Remember to breathe deeply, keep your fingers and mouth occupiedā€¦even if itā€™s singing loudly while doing a puzzle :rofl:ā€¦your lungs would appreciate it as well.

Stay connected - read some of the threads here ā€¦some great tips. ODAAT :muscle:t4:


Sometimes other peopleā€™s cigarettes still seem like a good idea and the smell of decent weed is everywhere you walk these days but what would be the point, what did we actually benefit from it all apart from the release of the craving that was keeping us prisoner and we didnā€™t even know it.


Another month in the booksā€‹:muscle:t4::muscle:t4:. Way to go. I hear ya on the smell of weed being everywhere and the brain thinking why not ā€¦itā€™s worse than the abundance of cig smoke in some places. Not one puff everā€¦I am grateful that we are in this path for healthier lungs


Thank you! Day 2ā€¦back to workā€¦ i was afraid how it would be with my morning routineā€¦ i would have had a cigg when i woke up, one before i left and one before i went into work. It was easier than i thought it was gonna be. Im enjoying fresh breath, smelling goodā€¦ i even grabbed my lip gloss as a little treatā€¦ kinda weird. But its working. Haha. Wish me luck. My stressful job awaits. Woosah :pray:


Way to go! Yeah to day 2 and new routines :muscle:t4:.

Lip gloss eh? Thatā€™s awesomeā€¦ whatever works. The fresh clean breath and smelling good never gets old.

Best of luck today. Have a plan of how to breathe through the stress (or walk away for a min) so it doesnā€™t build up. :people_hugging:


The only stress smoking relieves is the stress caused by not smoking. Which will disappear in a matter of weeks as nicotine loses its grip on you. It makes me glad to see you quit smoking Katie. Be sure you can do it! Counting down to nine years smoke free here, best decision I made in my life and thatā€™s no joke. Financial, social, mental and physical health wise. NOPE as in Not One Puff Ever! :people_hugging:


My peeps!! So far so good! I appreciate the kind words and motivation. Im using my coping skills. Some deep breaths and a quick walk outside for ACTUAL fresh air has been working great. My biggest symptom right now is that im TIREDā€¦ lol. An extra cup of coffee is in my future!


For me quitting smoking was way harder. It felt as though smoking was the only vice I had left. It was hard to let it go.

I did it! You can too!

Hiking helped me. I pushed myself. It was hard to breathe. It gave me strength not to smoke. It also made me tired and helped me sleep.

I would hold my breath during intense cravings. It helped.

My lungs have healed alot. It feels awesome!



Loving the 1ā€™s Jason!!! Keep on keeping on :muscle:t4::muscle:t4::confetti_ball:


345 days no tobacco
Smoking bad
Fresh air good


Coming close to the year markā€¦ keep it up Curtisā€¦this is fantastic :confetti_ball::tada: