Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 2)

I am so incredibly grateful that I have managed to stack up these days.
Cravings are a LOT less but I still get them. My brain still thinks that smoking is a good coping mechanism when I have a hard day :person_shrugging:t4:. Gonna keep vigilant and keep working on this brain of mine. Not one puff ever!


Never ever :grin::no_smoking::+1:
That number is amazing. Good catch, great work, and happy 1000. :balloon::tada:


Awe thanks friend :hugs:.

As you would say… smoking bad…fresh air good :blush:


Way to go @Curtis-81

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Impressive work @JazzyS keep leading the way

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Thanks CJ. Appreciate the support🙏🏽

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Thank you CJ. You get a big one in a few days. How exciting. :balloon:

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You all are motivating me over here!! You are crushing it! I cant believed i havnt had one in 9 days!! I find myself still going out and sitting on the porch when shit gets stressful. Or taking a walk out back at work… the times i would go out and smoke. Im enjoying still taking a break. Just a healthy one. Its working wonders!


Healthy breaks are necessary. I remember that being the main reason it was hard for me to quit. Thinking I was losing my breaks. Not even realizing I could take a healthy break like you mentioned.

Day 9!!! Way to go :muscle:t4::muscle:t4: keep pushing forward :confetti_ball::tada:


Countdown is on! This time last year i was on a road trip nonstop vaping because i knew i would stop the next day. Damn it was hard but it is a blessing to have my lung capacity back

Smoking bad.
Fresh air good.


Girl you are on fire! This is so amazing to see … amazing what a year can do. Keep up the great work :muscle:t4::muscle:t4:

Looking forward to celebrating your smile free soberversary tomorrow

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Hey @Cjp
Happy 1 year :tada::balloon: of no vaping. :no_smoking: :grin::muscle::lungs::anatomical_heart::brain:


This is so relatable on many levels for me!
Congrats! :muscle:

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1 year free of vaping :tada::confetti_ball::muscle:t4:. You are awesome CJ! Keep up the amazing work in your recovery
200w (1)


Hehe. Numbers are fun!

But yeah. After 23 years smoking with probably 3 or 4 breaks none of which lasted more than 5 days…I have gone 30 days without a cigarette. Tried a couple of times and failed in the beginning. But when I stopped I did. Without any replacements…or outside help except this forum of course. I became one hell of a grumpy a-hole. My cravings for alcohol came back in full swing…but here I am. 11 months 9 days alcohol free and 30 days cigarette free.

I am proud of me.

I am grateful!


Countdown is done! Yay you! Awesome work friend. Hugs.


I am proud of you too! Excellent stuff! Just keep going friend. Never again.


Love the numbers . Congratulations!


Some amazing numbers friend…way to go :muscle:t4::muscle:t4::clap:t4::clap:t4:…keep that streak going strong :tada::confetti_ball:

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Huge congrats on 30 days free!! @Oluoch nicotine is a ruthless b$&%h stick close to the forum for support. This place is the reason im celebrating a year free from nonstop vaping. Come along with us :slight_smile: