Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 2)

Thanks Jason :muscle: :fish:

Woooooooooo huge congrats my friend @Curtis-81 ps i know youre on adventures with apollo. Where are the pics??

So proud of you brother

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Thank you so much CJ. :balloon::muscle::no_smoking:
Unfortunately we haven’t had many adventures at all due to having a broken truck most of the summer. Hoping to get into the mountains in Autumn. It will be cooler then too.

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Aww bummer about the truck but hey you’ll be able to pay for repairs without tossing out your hard earned dough on cancer sticks!

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Into my second week and anxiety is creeping in for a number of reasons
keep reminding myself that smoking just increases the anxiety.

Keeping busy at work, working out every day, going to bed early when I get too grumpy.

Deep breaths.


Deep breathes indeed
 smoking will not help in any way
you are doing great my friend
 Keep busy and focused
just get through one moment at a time :pray:t4::muscle:t4:

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Way to go on getting thru to the 2nd week without smoking!! @desert_rose

Proud of you! Keep fighting the good fight.

Smoking bad
Fresh air good


Hang in there Anna! You’re almost past the worst. Doing fantastic. :hugs::two_hearts::hugs:


Thank you, @JazzyS @Cjp and @Mno for the words of encouragement. It really helps. Today is just one of those days
 very restless and I just need to get through to the other side.


Almost nine years in. Going to therapy this morning, after a mentally tough week following emdr last week, finally beginning to deal with the abuse and the abusive teacher in elementary school.

Exiting Utrecht train station a guy in front of me lit a sickarette. First time in years I liked the smell. Made me crave a bit. Which made me giggle. I shrugged it off.

Ten minutes later, a couple on a bench in a small park both were smoking. I nearly asked them for one. Which made me giggle again, but this time in a shocked and startled way.

Nearly nine years. I’ve been telling that I never crave smoking no more, that the smell is abhorrent and disgusting to me. That smoking couldn’t be further from my mind. That I see it as just a stupid lying killing addiction. Which is all true, until this morning, walking towards therapy, tired, a bit unstable, trying to deal with some traumatic stuff from 50 years ago. I craved and I could have caved.

So glad I didn’t. I did think it through. I remembered how that first one would taste, how it would have made me nauseous, dizzy, how it would have given me a headache. And how it wouldn’t stop with one. It never stops with one. It would be the end of me actually. Quitting smoking changed my life and starting again would undo all I’ve done and achieved.

I didn’t do it. I told a friend, a former smoker, right away. And I talked about it with my therapist, who actually didn’t quite seem to grasp the enormity of it. She’s not an addict.

So glad I’m still smoke free. Lesson learned. It’s never 100% over. Not One Puff Ever. Smoking is Stupid. Smoking Kills. Smoking bad. Fresh Air Good. Love.


Right on Menno :muscle:
It’s weird how in times of stress that the stinky smoke smells good and tempting. Keep up the good fight my Friend. :no_smoking:


Heck yeah @Mno proud of you for acknowledging the crave and not letting it win. Keep leading the way!


Almost 9 years
that’s impressive man. Sorry that all the work you are doing is causing such emotional stress and actually making these cigs seem appealing. Never again friend
we are not going to go backwards. Grateful you did not cave. Grateful you had a good friend to talk it out with. Those who are not addicts will never know the struggle.

Into another addiction free day :pray:t4::muscle:t4:


I want you to know how good it makes me feel to read all your comments.This next friday mark one month sinc3 i left my worst enemy who used to confort me before, that day I’m going out with friends to an afer office , Maybe I fall , maybe I don’t.


Hopefully you don’t. :no_smoking:

1 month milestone is huge
I hope to celebrate it with you next week. Our urges do tend to get stronger as milestones approach.
Go to the dinner with determination of stay smoke free and have a plan in place of urges or situations arise. I do know that if I lit up even once I would be doomed
it is like the addiction senses all awaken and come at me full force so that is why it’s not even one puff ever.
We got your back here
 keep up the great work :muscle:t4::muscle:t4:


Can I give more than one :heart: to your post?

So glad you thought it through. So very happy for you.

It is not something that someone who has not battled an addiction can grasp. I certainly can.

Big hugs, and wishing a lifetime of breaths of fresh air to you!


Never thought this was possible.


Hell yeah CJ! :muscle::no_smoking::balloon:

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Hell yeah girl :fire::fire::muscle:t4:. You are showing up for yourself every day! The efforts are showing too
 keep up the excellent work :confetti_ball::tada:

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