Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness 🔥 (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 1)

4:30am, headed out for shoulder & tricep day. Feeling good with the extra 10-15lbs. Def stronger.

I’d like to thank the kitchen lighting for doing so much work here :joy:


Looking good thick daddy??? :disguised_face:… I don’t remember if that was the decided nickname :thinking:


AHA I’m finally seeing some progress after two months of constant loss of strength due to grief and this tendinitis. I’ve never had this before. staying in training but just regressing on all fronts. I tell you it’s very demoralising to be taking off more and more every week and still be getting weaker. it looks like my body has finally found a halt and is starting to bounce back. I’m still a very long way off from being cleared for any pull movements, my PT guy is super serious about that, nor am I done crying about my beloved dog girl.
but oh well, gotta work them legs then in the meantime I guess. :fire: :boar:


After over 16 hours fasting and then HIIT today my ABS were slightly more visible than usually.
I remember times when I was exercising ABS EVERY DAY and never had results like this (if any at all). Now I do a day per week but drink protein shakes and look at it… I wish I knew before how much right food matters…


Nice seeing the hard work paying off. :muscle:


Looking great keep it up girl :heart::blush:


Kicking up a knotch start back this week with 4 days of training, had a real good lift on Saturday morning, bit of metal to keep me pumped pushed all my last sets to failure, walked out on a cloud.

Ill habe to get some before shots in so i can progress shot a year later


Appreciate it from such a beautiful lady like yourself :heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Aw thank you and you are beautiful too :heart:

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So went to the gym for the first time in over ten years. I did a class called box fit , combination of cardio and bag. It was so soo much fun. I feel so good and can’t wait to try out more classes. :heart: Funny how much sobriety changes a person. I would of been the last person to be seen even exerting myself!


Glad you found something you enjoyed and are looking forward to.


Im shy…lol :face_with_hand_over_mouth:



Back problems flared up over the last 24hrs. Worst it has been since my surgery.

Have significant lateral pelvic shift (where muscles tighten/spasm to pull your torso one way and your pelvis the other way to take pressure off acute injury).

So I have the consistent pain/discomfort from the muscle spasm (my guess is it’s the QL muscle), and then the random pangs of more intense pain when I move, go from sitting to standing, etc. Even lying down, where I feel best, it’s there.

Really frustrating morning.
I rely so much on physical activity for my wellbeing and having back problems for the past 6+ years, including a spinal fusion, has me feeling like my body is falling apart on me at 35 yrs old. The fusion helped but 2 years on I am nowhere near being as athletic, agile, or fast as I was pre-back issues.

Perhaps this sounds dramatic but it’s just such a frustrating thing.


I don’t think it’s dramatic. It’s very disheartening to be down and out. I’m sorry your back is flaring up :cry:
Hopefully some rest and it will be better.
I think at some point we all have to let go of the thought of how agile we use to be and accept what our body can do now. Of course mobility work can help but we getting older


I’m just hoping by the time my back fully craps out, we’ll have the technology to 3d-print me a new spine and transplant that bitch in there

Annoying thing is I did nothing out of the norm, physically.


Love it when im literally the ONLY person in the gym! Doing biceps and some cardio today


Not in a selfie mood. But this bitch is bouncing back in slow motion. I got a broken heart now for a human on top of my already completely broken heart for my beloved dog girl. But the body is on the mend. Slow improvement on the presses. Still no pulls. Still arm pains. Being back on the grind affords me some measure of relief and pleasure. Wonder when enough pain and disappointment makes one turn bitter. Not today tho.

To everyone injured and hurt on here. It sucks. Don’t give up. Look for that antidote for despair, anywhere you can find it. It’s out there.

:broken_heart: :boar:


So not there. In no way. I was shit in my 20s. I require myself to shine now. How can this mindset go wrong?! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I’ll give you that I’m stronger now but in my 20s I didn’t have to stretch getting out of a chair or bed :joy:

Same, but in a different less agile way :woman_shrugging:t2: