Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness šŸ”„ (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 1)

Back in the gym this morning after ~10 day injury rest.

Felt SO good to be able to move again.

I also spent my time cooped up looking at actual workout/lifting apps. In a dozen years in the gym, Iā€™ve always just used the notes app on my phone. Much like my Dad, I get set in my ways despite being aware of better options.

Decided on the HEVY app. This is actually really cool. And Iā€™ve never considered total volume before. I moved 30k pounds in an hour!


Iā€™ll have to check this app out. Iā€™m still writing everything out in a notebook :rofl:. Glad youā€™re back :+1:


Still getting the hang of it, but I like that it will tell me what I did the last time on each exercise, rather than having to flip back to the last weekā€™s note.


I do that! :heart: :heart: :heart: Share your notebook Joe! Iā€™ll do mine later!

Yā€™all know I dont go to the gym but have a very humble home gym setup courtesy of being not well enough mentally to leave my house much in the past - so when I train w someone outside at a gym, accompanying a friend, I bring my DIN A4 notebook. And I call myself the tax man lol. Itā€™s always v funny to me.


I love this. :rofl::rofl:. My gym is at home too. When I went one time with my son, he made me leave my spiral notebook in the car :grin:. So I started texting myself my lifts. He just shook his head and called me old. Iā€™m only 18 years older than him, but I guess thatā€™s a lifetime in technology. :person_shrugging:


Iā€™ve been really struggling with fitness. There are a number of obstacles, and absolutely none of them are valid excuses not to exercise, so I can do this but I just feel like I canā€™t. It helps me if I can just get some of these feelings out there; expressing them helps me look at it with a more balanced perspective. So I hope you donā€™t mind.

To start, itā€™s been a tough 1-2 years with my anxiety, being agoraphobic to the point of being intensely uncomfortable even just stepping out of the room. Iā€™ve become very sedentary as a result. Often my starting point at getting back into an exercise routine is just going for walks to develop the habit, and building to more intense activities from there. But when leaving the house feels unmanageable I lose that as a starting point. Itā€™s been about 2 months that Iā€™ve been pulling myself out and Iā€™ve managed to go out of the house a few times, but daily is a bit much for the moment. So maybe Iā€™ll start with no-equipment, bodyweight exercise instead.

I also really struggle with my diet. Due to medication side effects, I have zero appetite around the clock, it takes around 24 hours before I start to actually feel hunger, and eating feels like work even when the food tastes good. So Iā€™m just always really tired and have low exercise tolerance. I force myself to eat twice a day but the third meal is taking a while to set that habit for. If I keep prioritizing this, I know exercise will get easier and more effective, and I will just feel a lot better in general.

I need to contact my doctor about orthotics, too. We were in the process of organizing that and then we both forgot to follow up at one point. One of my legs is shorter and smaller than the other, so I need to have that corrected when Iā€™m exercising or on my feet for long periods, otherwise it causes problems with my back. This was only diagnosed a few years ago. Basically, my pelvis tilts to one side in order to put weight on my weaker leg whenever I walk, or need to equalize weight between my legs such as lifting objects, squatting, jumping, etc. That causes extra wear and uneven wear on my lower spine, and it accumulates over time. Iā€™m fortunate to be in my early 30ā€™s and still not have significant issues from it, but I donā€™t know how long that will last. So when I get this sorted out, I donā€™t have to worry about what leg-oriented and full body exercises are doing to my back.

I just need to force myself to get on top of this a little more, and things will get better. I just hate it so much right nowā€¦ :persevere:


I would have de-son-ed him right then and there. if anyone fucks w my book theyā€™re out. my ex spilled cocoa on it once early on (itā€™s almost full now over 4yrs later :face_holding_back_tears:) and we had a massive fight.

Iā€™m fine w technology and really enjoy it when it serves me just right. (I understand a gym app can be that for someone.) gotta be perfect tho. my new phone has a few glitches my old one didnt have and I dislike it extremely.
I avoid technogy when itā€™s not necessary. and I just love my ugly ass lifting book.


Sorry youā€™re having a hard time getting started. The bodyweight routine sounds like a good idea, thereā€™s a lot of good calisthenic only workouts online. I would just tell yourself Iā€™m only gonna do one exercise and if I wanna stop Iā€™ll stop. Chances are youā€™ll do a little bit more once youā€™re going and you can build on that. As far as not being hungry, just concentrate on eating a little bit at a time see what happens


First bad thing about the app.

The screen has a tendency to jump, so end up clicking random stuff you donā€™t mean to sometimes.

My notes app never betrayed me like that, nor would a notebook.

Ultra technology of the future - 1
Stone age notebooks of fantastic strength - 1


If you are struggling with getting enough fuel I would consider a meal replacement shake. They have many different flavors and it would offer a ton of benefits if you add it to the two meals you are able to get in.
I have become quite the hermit since covid and while I do/can go places I prefer to be at home, especially when it comes to working out.
I use an online platform for my training called Camp gladiator. They have strength, low impact, yoga, pilates and cycling. The classes very from 30 minutes to an hr. Truly all you need is some space a a set of dumbbells. They have a free trial period so you could see if it is something that would work for you.

I also have this problem. My right leg is shorter and smaller than my left due to my knee surgeries. While itā€™s not a huge difference I have to be mindful of it so Iā€™m not shifting my weight to the left. Hopefully your doc will hook you up with the orthotic you need soon.

Sometimes you do have to force it but eventually you will look forward to it and crave it. I have a little notepad and each sunday I write out my intended workouts for the week. Itā€™s simple and easy but something about writing it down helps cement it for me.
My little notebook


I like your handwriting, especially ā€˜Sā€™ :star_struck:


regarding the not leaving the house part, ironically I referenced it just today how that was me for a long time in the past. it led to me and my then partner getting a basic home gym setup. I tried going to the gym w him but it was way way way over my head. and tbh, it still benefits me a lot to have my home gym cos when I am depressed, before it gets too black, I can still lift long past the point where I am able to leave the houseā€¦
so whatever you can do at home and get for home, I always think thatā€™s great and I always advice for that. idk what kinda stuff generally you enjoy doing, are you a runner or swimmer or do you like wl or just general fitness - but w that in mind I guess Iā€™d go about building both an exercise routine and a wee collection of exercise equipment at home. doesnā€™t need to cost the world, mine sure didnt.

secondly re the appetitie, no medical knowledge here, but: if youā€™re exhausted from expending a lot of energy, the body will claim it back and your hunger will come. surely a bit different and maybe modulated by the effects of your meds for you, but basically, it will help getting hungry if you use your body a lot.
also you can go for ultra-nutrient dense foods. fill your glycogen w carbs, but also get in fats. there are such things as mass gainers that bodybuilders go for who need the extra kcal but canā€™t eat them all. you could try sth like that to supplement.
Iā€™m not suggesting eat only unhealthy stuff. but try to get more kcal in w every meal (go for the salmon instead of white fish, that sorta thing, extra slice of bread, white ā€œsoftā€ bread is easy to eat and digest etc etc) and use a little helper here and there, an extra shake w banana (fat+sugar), bowl of tasty cerial as a snackā€¦ man part of me would like to have your problem bro. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

important thing is to get going, I think. you can do this! start small. we all start small and we all start every day!


Hahaha i have hand written plan in a book
That is also a work dairy so i have taken photos
Of this pages specifically just for gym days

Heres a few recent befores, im not tracking body progress anywhere so i figured here might be a good place


Just a cheeky pre and post gym flex because i was feeling good.


I see you doin laundry too :joy::rofl:


Iā€™m not afraid of a little housework :smirk:. Mama raised me right :grin:


You goofy :rofl::joy:


You have no idea. :rofl::rofl:


Iā€™m just as goofy :joy::rofl:


That reminded me of a joke.

Mickey mouse goes to talk to a divorce lawyer

The lawyer says," Now you say you want a divorce because Mrs. Mouse is mentally ill".

ā€œWhat?ā€ Mickey says ā€œI didnā€™t say thatā€

The lawyer says " But you told me she was crazy"

" I didnā€™t say she was crazy". Mickey says. " I said she was fucking Goofy"