Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness 🔥 (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 1)

Lmao that was so hilarious :rofl::joy:

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It’s a jumbled mess of random numbers and exercises in an ugly spiral notebook, but I can somewhat make it out @Faugxh :smirk:


Page one, stuck in when I started my tax book, deadlifting 60kg, complete w cocoa stains :face_holding_back_tears:

Random pull days. I use diff colours to mark progress and deloading and also circumstances like depr injury etc. So a lot of green means I’m having a good time. :crazy_face:

Making advanced in the DLs. :face_holding_back_tears:

The first two months of push days of this year, all pink, all regressing. And when the spell broke, tender green.

I love seeing all your books so much guys!

@2JTravNZ Trav you next? :slight_smile:


I love the color system. I use little symbols all over for that too. Like asterisk for sets to failure Others for drop and supersets and such. :+1:


Omg I love this kind of notes! Unfortunately I don’t have home gym but I have some kettles, I think I’m gonna start personalise workouts and make notes too, to see the progress (I hope).
I started with kettles around half year ago (4kg) with YouTube videos. Now I have app with workouts and usually I use 8kg. Don’t laugh ppl, for me it’s a lot anyway :sweat_smile: I have 10kg waiting for me and I think I’m gonna try different type of workouts now


Prior to having a lifting app (still deciding if I like it or not), this was my method. Still digital but fully manual. Lot of made-up names for exercises.

These go back ~3yrs to when I moved here. I had close to 10 years of notes stacked up but they were lost in a phone switch.

Speaking of – time to head over to the gym now. Have a solid day, folks.




I have avoided getting a new phone ever since. Traumatized.


Anyone have experience with this? I have been thinking of getting a bar and plate weights but then came across this

Random side note- I did all my upper arm stuff with 20s this morning :partying_face::partying_face::confetti_ball::confetti_ball: I have been stuck on 15lbs for so longgg

Adding another question- what do I need to know about a bar? I’ve always used dumbbells. I see a bunch of different brands and some say Olympic but I don’t need a professional one, just a regular one.


Olympic refers to the standard measurements of 50-51mm diameter, the same as in all gyms and the same as is used for competitions in WL. This is important if you’re training to compete so you’re used to the dimensions and weight and feel of the bars.
There’s another system w 31-32mm diameter, I use those at home. They’re not as professional but they will last you just as well for amateur sport imo. I think we started using them cos we got our first sets used and that’s just what they were, and then we just got more stuff w these dimensions over time.

I would recommend getting a regular bar and dumbbell set, either 50s or 30s, cos they both are universally usable, you don’t rely on any brand or anything that can go broke or whatever, you can always get more plates and fasteners and also: that’s just what you use, not some telescopic thing, they are tried and trusted and simple and work.


Thanks! :blush: I plan to check out the FB marketplace but wanted to know what I was looking for first.

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So exciting! :100: make sure to share w us what you get! :heart_eyes:

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Just got home, decided to try max out my dead lift today just to see what im capable of left it at 80kg/176lbs for a couple of reps knowing i habe a full days work tomorrow still.

Plenty left in the tank to hit more so will see how i am feeling Saturday.

Excuse the messy hand writing :rofl:

Feeling good now, also hit shoulders and biceps again

And some calf raises to finish it off


I have one of these and it’s actually pretty useful! It might be a different brand but it’s the same thing.

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That’s me, front & center-right, with the glasses.


:tada::partying_face::tada::partying_face: Done deal, now just gotta wait for delivery. Amazon was having a “spring sale” so it was only $115 for all of it. The bar is 35lbs and the plates will put me at 75 which I haven’t done before. I feel like it’s a good little starter set. I’m excited for heavier lifting!! I feel like I’ve plateaued with my dumbbells


Difficult to recognize you without the socks :wink:


Off to the gym for the 4th time this week - thank god its the weekend!


Nice work bro! You look like a different person. The change is incredible :muscle:


Back injury returned this morning, towards the end of my chest/biceps day. Wasn’t even lifting at the time, just moved a certain way. Not excruciating pain, but I knew immediately that I did something.

I’m pissed off that this could mean another week out of the gym after just getting back in. I’m not sure the extent yet as the pain and stiffness settles in slowly, sometimes as much as a few days. Def taking tomorrow off at minimum and listening to my body on future days.

Worst part though?
My Mom is flying in from out of town in two days. If I’m stuck in bed or limited by pain in how long I can sit/stand/walk, it’ll fuck up the visit a bit. Big one is that we’re supposed to go to the baseball game on Saturday.

I went to Urgent Care to try and get an MRI while it’s in the acute injury stage so we can maybe get a better idea of what this actually is, since my surgery apparently didn’t fix it. PT and this urg care doc both think back sprain. Turns out urgent care can’t order MRIs. But they did prescribe me a steroid pack, and according to my Mom (nurse of 30+ years) it should help the pain aspect at least.

Frustrating, frustrating, frustrating.
I have to watch myself on days like today. This is bothering my physically and mentally, and when something like that is going on, I’m prone to being snippy. Gotta watch it.