Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness đŸ”„ (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 1)

Glad to hear it worked for you! I just picked mine up. Methylprednisonale or something like that. Prednisone’s stronger brother, apparently. Hopefully I have the same reaction. Well, actually
hopefully this is just a small tweak and doesn’t progress further.

But I did read a lot about it, and I had gathered that it will relive the symptoms but not fix the problem - so I will definitely not mistake feeling less pain with being healed!


Medrol always makes me thirsty and clean the house like crazy. I can’t sit still!

I hope your back feels better soon, at least good enough to go to the game.

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Dr had said that oral steroids make some people fidgety/jittery
sounds like you’re one of 'em!


3am. Before work.
I’m still not doing the core challenge this early. @Steve14


Gettin it done :muscle::facepunch: That’s next level dedication bro!!!



My back feels considerably better, although pain isn’t absent. I can also tell it’s still very much injured, just the meds are making it tolerable.

The frustration part, the mental spiraling that used to always happen with this, is coming up.
I spent YEARS dealing with this, pushing, advocating for myself to get an actual diagnosis and have something done about it. In the 2 years since my eventual surgery, I thought I was finally free for good.

And now the boogeyman is back. For real, this injury feels like a ghost that haunts me. And did I get a spinal fusion for no fucking reason? Because I went in knowing that it would ultimately cause me additional issues in 10-20 years - as fusions often do - but went ahead with it for the anticipated benefits and relief. Apparently that wasn’t the fix we thought it was.


Just trying to get ready for summertime fine. :fire::rofl:


Back to my (v humble) pre-injury BP. I’m even doing a wee bit of cardio these days. :face_holding_back_tears: And I’m sleeping a bit more. Struggling w depr and high level sadness on the daily but doing what I can when I can.

Stay strong, team! :fire: :boar:


Post superset workout, before legs workout. No hat, lotsa gray hair!


Gym is closed today so I didn’t say oh well I’ll go tomorrow. I said we’ll make do with what we have and get some! The drunk Zack would have made sure he drank today so sober zaddy made sure he got his gym sesh! HAPPY EASTER everyone! May your will be stronger then your thirst! Stay disciplined and as always one day at a time!!


Sounds like a good plan. :muscle::+1:

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Had a solid effort leg day tonight. I’ve been so good cutting down on caffeine to do sth about my ridiculously atrocious sleep - my DOC #1 that I never ever wanna quit (bad joke to make on here youse will forgive me), I now have none after 1800 on days when I don’t work - but today I used up all my pre 1800-caffeine writing a long ass story :melting_face: so I just had to focus and squat w/o it. And I did. :slight_smile: I think squats are back to where they were pre-injury now and things are looking up. Arm is still sore. Heart is still broken. Odaat. At least the arm will get better w time.

Stay strong team! :heart: :broken_heart: :fire: :boar:


Nice!!! When I was bodybuilding before drugs took over my life, I never used to do enough leg days lol. My arms were like stronger than my legs lmao. They don’t call me Eric “Stick Legs” for nothing!!! :joy_cat: I need to do more leg days but I can only do so much because of a knee tendon injury I had a few years ago, but I’ll do my best yessir!!! :saluting_face::smile:


So will the heart.:cry::heart:


Dan, how was that run, you’re also coming out of a longer time injured! :heart:

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My legs felt stronger than I recall in a long time. My cardio fitness took a hit, but that recovers fairly quickly. Thanks for asking!


When I got sober I took some time off lifting. I didn’t want to get my priorities twisted and see sobrety struggle and potentially go away along w lifting should I experience any injuries. Nowadays a know myself better and maybe wouldn’t have to be as cautious. I never kid myself tho on what got me sober. It wasn’t lifting or “healthy living” it was recovery and therapy. I hope you too take this seriously, cocaine ruins lives easily.
Also don’t skip leg days.

I’m joking. Just not about leg days lol welcome to this thread and to this part of your journey. :crazy_face: :pray: There are some solid ppl around on here, this wee corner especially. If you need anything just holler. Take it odaat and take your time to explore your reasons to want to escape reality. Then slowly learn to live in it. Good luck w your old injury. I’m sure there are ways to integrate all of you, old injuries too, into your new life, w time and dedication.


Wonderful to hear, my friend. :smiling_face_with_tear:

I didn’t write february out until this morning because I’ve been feeling like I haven’t been doing a lot. Looking back at the past few months I feel good about what I’ve been able to do with my injuries. My running miles should get to increase this month but my weight lifting might decrease. It’s an eb and flow kind of situation I suppose.
Saw the chiropractor and asked him about recovery time for my back and he was like ummmm
 never :cry::grimacing: He said my disc is so degenerated that it won’t ever be “fixed” but they should be able to help me have less pain. I’m taking this week off weight lifting, just doing body weight stuff and yoga but I think I’ll jump back in next week. I’m pretty sad that I literally just got my bar and plates and can’t even use them yet. This won’t stop me though, I’m too stubborn for that :wink: