Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness šŸ”„ (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 1)

Time for that post gym protein shake and dinner!


Post superset workout, pre bike ride.


Out for another entire week with a virus from hell. Iā€™m not usually much bothered w colds but this was something else. Goddam this year sucks so fucking bad so far, guys.

Came back strong today w a push day, still half dead tho tbh but couldnā€™t wait anymore. :mechanical_arm:

Did I mention the PT estimates Iā€™ll be back to fully functioning right arm by September. I miss having arms. Sigh. I wonā€™t be filling out my tops this summerā€¦

Edit I was gonna add a pic of my wl communterā€™s prepped food for 1.5days but it wonā€™t load. This week itā€™s a boatload of sandwiches, vegetable soup w tuna and joghurt for breakfast w berries. Most of my writer colleagues seem to live on ciggies and I heard someone say last week how he eats fruit loops out the box for breakfast :joy: cute. I guess weā€™re all different weird. :melting_face:

Hold on to your happiness, friends, wherever it glints at you. :kissing_closed_eyes::kissing_closed_eyes::boar:.

Updating this cos Iā€™m a proud weirdo haha: not pictured are the copious amounts of protein bars I have in all my bags and pockets :kissing_closed_eyes:


Thatā€™s tough for sure. Hopefully you heal up sooner than not.


Thanks buddie.


This is all very new to me at age 52. Since the start of Feb I have lost 11.8kg starting off at 116.8kg and my target weight is around 90kg. Doing around 14k steps each day which involves a 3.8km walk each night. Healthy eating, gym/basic weights every 2nd day and boxing training once or twice a week. Itā€™s truly a great way for me to stay sober and live a much healthier life. Take inspiration from people like David Goggins and the like.



Heck yes, inspiration right there! Welcome to the thread and great to hear about what youā€™re doing!

One thing that comes to my mind is that w boxing, weights and proper eating youā€™ll gain some muscle and youā€™re not looking extremely overweight rn for your frame, so 90 might prove to be a bit low - but thsts not for now anyway. one day at a time, my friend.
Keep that fire going.


Thank you so much. Iā€™ve not felt this self confident and mentally strong in many many years. The thing that confuses me most is the amount of differing info about what is best for you as in training wise and nutrition, but Iā€™m absolutely loving the journey thus far.


Haha yes you look it and thatā€™s fabulous to see!

Iā€™ve posted this many times, itā€™s super helpful: The Leangains Macro Calculator |

This will help you calculate your macros. Your goal from what I read is some weight loss (tho again I doubt itā€™ll be another 25kg) and body recomposition, so you should be in a slight caloric deficite (use that in the calculator). High deficite and you wonā€™t have the energy to lift and box and youā€™ll lose your passion if youā€™re just starting out.

Your training plan I absolutely dig: some weights, some cardio and applied fitness and mobility w the boxing plus walking which is just overall nice for the mind also.

Good luck and donā€™t hesitate to use the good folks on this thread for advice, Iā€™ve asked many times myself. :slight_smile:


Looking cut up there Seb, nice job putting in the work. :+1::muscle::muscle:


Looking strong and lean @Seb congrats on your progress


Didnā€™t know about this one. Thank you. :v:


You are living it Seb man. Way to be rocking the healthy lifestyle.
I agree with @Faugxh that 90 may be a bit light on your frame as you are wearing your weight well and add in more muscle it may be low, but you know best for what you are trying to achieveā€¦
Damnit, now youā€™ve motivated me to get off my ass and get back to gym that Iā€™ve been procrastinating all morningā€¦ haha

Keep up the great work.


Wishing you a speedy recovery with that arm! :gift_heart: You got this! :muscle:t3:


Congrats homie!!! :smiley:

Btw just curious how tall are you? Iā€™m 5"7 lol. At my most fit before doing drugs when I had abs, I was only like 65kg :slight_smile:

I feel like you must be really tall to look that good while being at that weight. Mans is towering over me!!! :smiley_cat:


Just reposting these here, since I had to delete the old pics to prevent my workplace and future workplaces from finding out about my TalkingSober profile :smiley_cat:

Before doing drugs (July 2019) at 20 years old:

After doing drugs and having stopped taking care of myself for many years until 2 weeks ago. Ive been sober for a little over 2 weeks and been working out consistently again for the past 2 weeks :slight_smile:

I still need to figure out my diet again, which Iā€™ll do in about 2 weeks from now. Currently just clean bulking. Iā€™ll define my bulking/cutting goals again once itā€™s time to fix my diet in 2 weeks from now :smile_cat:

So far, Iā€™ve been hitting PRs Iā€™ve hit in the past like every day!!! Feels good to be slowly getting back to where I was in July 2019!!! I love muscle memory :DDD I definitely need to build my chest and back, as I seemed to have lost a lot of size in those areas during those lazy couch potato years I had during my drug abuse lol

Also, I must train legs and not skip leg days for chest/back/arms!!! I have been slacking on training legs, but legs are so boring to train as a guy :sob: :sob:

Planning to clean bulk for a while, and then start cutting in 3 months from now and get abs again! Im waiting 3 months until cutting time because I know ill be low on energy during the cut, which can trigger drug cravings for me :smile_cat:


Iā€™m 180cm which I think is around 6 foot


Girl my heart goes out to you. I pray all is well with you soon :heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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So much better than fruit loops. :grin: Way to plan ahead :muscle::muscle:


Getting ready to hit the gym. Hope everyone has an amazing day :heart::hugs: