Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness šŸ”„ (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 1)

Not a gym selfie, just stoked. Headed to the Arnold Classic in March, and Iā€™m stoked to be meeting The Beast, Eddie Hall!


Hey curious, do any of you guys use test booster. Iā€™m only 17 days sober so Iā€™m wondering if my anger is from that, or maybe the test booster.

Keep killin it!

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Iā€™ve never used any test boosters. The best I could suggest is you could maybe cycle off it, and monitor any changes from that. If it doesnā€™t seem to be the culprit, cycle on and monitor that. I guess if thereā€™s any other supplements youā€™re taking, you could see if there are any side effects from the mix???

Yeah thatā€™s deff gonna be the plan, but figured Iā€™d just see if anyone maybe had any experience with them. Thank you

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just because Iā€™m at work, donā€™t mean I canā€™t keep getting those gains. Taking advantage of the bathroom chin up stationā€‹:joy:. I make sure I do push ups all day long to, and after work gonna hit some weights :muscle: happy Friday all


New here. Been digging through the boards for the past few days and finally found a thread Iā€™m comfortable making my first post in lol. Sobriety is going to be a struggle, but gym selfies I can do. :muscle::grin:


Worked on heavy singles today. Worked up to 250, which is 10 shy of my 1RM. Hoping to hit 300 by midsummer.


Ass to grass or it doesnā€™t count.


I do this at street lights! Lol!!!

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Hell yeahā€‹:muscle::muscle:

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Thank you @DarrenUK :grin:

Good for you man, congrats!

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Im 122 days clean now and lifting is waaay better. There was a time i would drink before the gym, at the gym and after the gymā€¦ but i always made a half ass attempt at lifting. I look like less garbage now than i did 122 days ago.

You certainly look like you have the whole gym/nutrition thing down but Iā€™m sure your nutrition is much better without booze. Welcome, glad youā€™re here.

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Soooo much better @Dan531. I honestly donā€™t know how I dragged myself to the gym every single day depleted and hungover. And same. Guilty of drinking at the gym once I got the ā€œimportant stuffā€ out of the way. Happy to find a corner of gym peeps on these boards. Makes me feel more comfortable. :muscle::blush:


I subscribed today @TrueSpiritRyuu ā€¦ I started this thread and i will not lose ( nas, great song ) pics and fast muscle remembering gains will comeā€‹:pray::ok_hand:
Please check up on me up bro :heart:


Letā€™s get these gains!

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Pics wil follow %%%% :v::ok_hand:

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Nice brother, good form!

Nice Thomas, I squatted over 350 when I was in high school. Benched over 250.
Not even close to that now.

I just found this thread. Makes me want to get into lifting again.
Yā€™all keep it goingā€¦great thread you have here.