Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness 🔥 (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 1)

WoW impressive

Thank you :hugs:

Get them swolfies on!

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gettin after it haha

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I need to be on your workout plan :joy:

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Got outside today. Quick lil 4.5.


This made me giggle - my family are nurses and always say to people “what great veins you have” :joy:

Got a major sweat on!


Wow em your ripped. How’s your sobriety coming along? :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you! It’s going. :facepunch:

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Got that home workout in this morning. It wasn’t the worst thing, but it’s weird not having that “gym noise” that I’m used to.


Yesterday I was doing my squats, as soon as I lifted the bar. I felt something weird, I did my squat and as I was going down I felt a tingle go into my elbows, I finished. And when I was done I wasn’t in any pain, but I keep feeling like there is a million needles poking my arms now.

and my arm is kind of ever experience this? I’m not in any pain, just when I touch it or rub it on anything it tingles

It could be the shoulders pinching a nerve, or just overall tightness in the shoulders. I had some issues early on, but putting a lot of focus on shoulder mobility and stretching helped a lot.

This video was one that I checked out when I had my issues:

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Nice thanks man, yeah my shoulders are still fucked from when I raced dirtbikes, I dislocated them so many times that I have like zero movement or they will pop out. I refuse to have surgery on them, bc Ive never really seen any good turn out for ppl after they do anyway. I was just hoping lifting would help bring them back

Daaaaaaaaaaaamn, that’s rough. I mean, the only thing I could say in my non-expert opinion is stretch, foam roll, mobility drills, and stretch some more!

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Guess ill never have a gym selfie lol way to lazy and really cant set my mind to go to a gym,guess there will be some cycling thou when i get it here

All gyms closed here in the whole country…

So far, mine is still open, but they’ve stopped the day passes for guests, brought in more sanitizing wipes and various cleaning supplies.

I figure I’ll just knock out my reps at home for a while.

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I swapped the treadmill for a forrest obstacle run with many different pushups on random objects

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still not huge, but a big difference for me. And finally broke my plateu of 185 and now am up 195 on bench. When I weighed 236 I could bench 240. And now that I lost all the weight and dropped to 200. I couldn’t bench shit lol. But I’m feeling good and proud of myself