Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness 🔥 (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 1)

I don’t know many Jim’s, sorry.

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You guys ever seen anyone put clips on a smith machine?

I mean… unless the earth tilts in its axis…

Waiting for those lifting pics

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I probably have lol

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Freeze frame from my axle press PR today. Stoked!


Hell yeah, nice man💪. Sucks I’m currently in a plateu and can’t get past my PR right now. Hopefully soon, I’m new to lifting so this is normal right ? Plateuing for like a week?


Try plateauing for a year lol

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Yeah, I’d say so. Like, I PRd my deadlift, and now I can’t even replicate it. I can barely even lift 10-15 less than it.

When I get like that, I start to focus on the accessory work that will directly benefit my big three lifts. Hit those hard. Doing progressive overload programs help a ton, too. The last 10 week program I did, I PRd my bench, squat and deadlift.

Hope you break the plateau!

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Damn, I hope not lmao. Prob doesn’t help that I’m not giving myself proper rest right now. Bc I literally have nothing else to do. So I’m doing some sort of work out every day

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Stuck on overhead press right now… pisses me off, all other lifts going great but not that one. Wanna hit 185 there been stalled at 150 for a couple months bench press is still growing nice.

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Damn yeah that’s nice bro, yeah I’m stuck on bench. Stupid bc when I was lifting with all the weight I had, I could bench 240, and then I lost all the weight and now I can’t get past 185. I feel like a girl for saying that :rofl: but I’ll get it back

You’ll be hitting 2 plates aside again b4 you know it.

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Getting to hit the bench sober today and grateful for it.


I’m in the club


Get it! Nice bench

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Nice DL! Always chasing them PRs.

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just after a home workout on march 1st


Don’t mind my face, though :sweat_smile: