Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness šŸ”„ (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 1)

Failed attempt at 450 pound deadlift, thought id hit it no problem. Failing is part of it, so Iā€™ll train hard and next time Iā€™ll hopefully get it. My sober mind wonā€™t let failing defeat me like my booze brain would have.


335 on the safety squat bar for a coupleā€¦ Got a bum wing so i have to let the shoulder heal up a little longer. Sure am glad to have that bar so i can at least squat.

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After my girlfriend left me because of my addiction and losing her trust from trying to hide it from her, I decided enough was enough. I went from 270 to 220 and Iā€™m almost 100 days sober. It looks like Iā€™ll never get her back no matter how much I change, but dammit I know Iā€™ll find someone else one day! I have the confidence now!


Not yet man. Savin up the cash. But my buddy let me come do some squats today, gotta get that foundation built again


Yes sirā€¦ the gym has changed a little and the numbers as wellā€¦ slowly creeping in on them goals :nerd_face:

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I expected to see a gym selfie of you here. :grimacing:

Great progress man, congrats on 9 months!

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wow, great work!!! Congrats on the 9 months

Yass, very excited this thread got bumped! :dizzy: I actually thought about wherever it went the other day! :raised_hands::raised_hands:


I got into running (treadmill) and working on my core doing calisthenics (along with pushups). I like running outside sometimes but opt for the treadmill for consistency. I despised running once upon a time but now absolutely love it. Iā€™m no Forest Gump though O.o


Dragonballllll !!!

My feeling :


Dont say itā€™s not a fact ! :arrow_upper_right::arrow_up:


Dudeā€¦ Good to see you here stillā€¦ Hows LIFE bruv?

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I am the oppositeā€¦no treadmillsā€¦feels like work for me. Love outdoor running, the colder the better usually. I donā€™t go far or break any records (other than slow ones maybe), but I really love the boost and accomplishment.

And you look solid, clear and happy!!


Benching today, then time to clean this gym (my lifting partner pictured here got a hold of the gym chalk).


Cutie! Nice art work he did for you too! :heart_eyes:

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Is Pikachu also getting a workout?


Yeah Pikachu cashed out benching those 5ā€™s :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


That is an absolutely amazing gym you have! And a cute little helper!

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Haha no, he has his stuffed animal with him. @anon86726034 he always comes down with me, i love it but gotta be careful not to hit him with anything. I caught him one going down on a sqaut.


Itā€™s gooooood. Still lifting, still playingā€¦all the usual stuff. Hahaha.