Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness 🔥 (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 1)

I think i bought mine from Amazon for like $125 or so. I’m totally waiting for ppl to bail on the home gym stuff they bought during covid too… can always use more 45’s and i want dumbells in the 100+ range


I’ve gained a lot of strength on Wendlers 531 but I’m older than you. You can probably gain faster on something else. Keep building that armor

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I’d post a picture but I realised that I don’t have gym pics with clothes on. Lol.

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Definitely a cool plan dude, I’m reworking my diet right now but I’ve been biking about 40 minutes a day somedays I miss. Been sticking around that 220 mark, definitely lost a lot of muscle mass the last year but it’s cool I’m lighter and feel better :metal: 215 for Halloween got some work to do


111 days to Halloween! Nice idea @RetainKingII …um my goal is to just build some muscle back in my legs and lean out the smallest amount. I’ve been out for 4 weeks exactly with my injury on 6/11. I’ve lost some weight, but it’s mostly just muscle loss.

I’d like to be well into my routine with stationary biking, walking, lifting a little and yoga by Halloween.


I don’t know how I feel about goal-setting per se. It can lead me to ignore my actual physical reality and blindly strive and stress myself. Or hurt. But. Here’s my thing. Last year I got myself to right at the intermediate mark for deadlifts, that is like 85kg for my weight if I remember correctly. Then I had a stupid hand injury, was out for months. Now even to get the weight to move up again has taken me months. :see_no_evil: But I want to be in the Intermediates fucking finally.
Feeling a little stupid in front of you big boys here with my tiny ass goals but might as well try and get over that. Thanks for the invite @RetainKingII let’s get those gainz haha :raised_hands::raised_hands:


Ayo Halloween’s my bday, better suprise me with that 180kg squat :sunglasses:

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If you feel good and look good, goals are always second motivation to try harder. But if you did it before I believe you can do it again! Just don’t hurt yourself this time and listen to your body :slight_smile:


Haha just hard work and a good diet man thats all you need :metal: keep pushing hard

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Thanks Alex, very kind of you to say so. :pray:

That’s how I handle it these days. I don’t overtrain anymore. When I begin to get strained muscles constantly I take a deloading week (yes week, not day, @RetainKingII :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:), a concept I’ve only started integrating this year.
The hand injury thankfully was not lifiting related, I tripped up playing with dogs…
Live, lift and learn, guys!

I’m really happy and excited to get more active on this thread. I don’t have anyone in real life other than the bf whom to talk weights with. Been missing out!


Hope your leg gets better soon and healed, definitely follow the physio therapy but hopefully it gives you an opportunity to focus on other things, leg injuries suck I’ve had a couple. Good time to get busy with your hands!


Well post some of your routine one of these day, it is huge influence for a lot of people to better themselves I’d say :slight_smile:


Thank you! I start physical therapy next week. I’ve heard a few people mention how important it is, so I will definitely take it seriously, thank you for the advice :blush:


Actually, reducing my ass size has been an exercise goal of mine for years!!


So i just recently gave up drinking and want to start a healthier life. Eating better and working out. How does one go about starting? LOL. Love to loose the beer belly/dad bod.

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Definitely especially if your injury was from weightlifting, they should be able to find what caused the injury and how to prevent it reoccurring. I hurt my shoulder bench pressing a couple years ago and my physiotherapist basically figured out what was lacking in my routine and gave me different routines/exercises to work on, it helped me immensely :slight_smile:


I hyper extended my knee coming off of a water slide and sprained my MCL :sweat_smile:

That’s awesome! Hopefully you have recovered fully since then!


Oh yeah I’m all better a lot stronger from when it happened it was something to do with my chest being stronger than my back so I had to increase upper back work outs and then my tendinitis was basically gone, still sucks for chest butterflies though unfortunately.

That’s terrible! But at least it happened while you were having a blast! Get better soon🤘


The fam and I did some beach yoga this weekend while at the cottage :slight_smile:


Gotta get your workout on no matter where you’re at lol. I did that when I went to Texas for a week.

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