Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness šŸ”„ (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 1)


Yup. Somedays youā€™re outstanding and somedays youā€™re just doing it cos it keeps your mind right. I am often even more grateful on those days.
Been on holiday for six days and not done fuck all. Feeling right like a pancake.

Having said that I adjusted my straight legged deadlift technique today ā€¦ humbling. Dunno what tf I was doing thereā€¦ :flushed: Ahem. Moving right alongā€¦ :sweat_smile:

Have a great strong day folks!



Does this also mean youā€™re immune against the dreaded gym disease of fuckarounditis? :thinking:


Gotta work on my flex face i think. Pound sign steaks, weights, protein shakes. So blessed to be sober and take my fitness serious now.


LOL! Its all serious until some 00s hip hop comes on. Then its fuck around time!


Thatā€™s my problemā€¦which means Iā€™m not at all serious when I workout. Real hard to focus when Iā€™m fighting the urge to dance in between each set.

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Deload week for this fella, i never took them before and shit started falling apart.


Deloads are when muscles grow also


Sup guys, I been busy doing a new schedule:
Push day
Pull day
Leg day
Rest day

Also still running 3 times a week, shits been crazy. Enjoying the finer things in life too, this is my new anthem:

Gonna post more stuff soon


Love deload. Only started doing them this April! Total gamechanger.
Do you guys take down weight or volume? (I do volume, itā€™s great.)


When I deload I just take a full week off. Your body needs that, youā€™ll feel stronger after that week, at least I do. I deload once every 3 months


when you deload do you still do cardio stuff? I am definitely addicted to burning energy and find it very difficult to have off days.

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Yeah thatā€™s my experience as well. I do deloading as said but also take a few days off here and there when Iā€™m sick or on holidays. I see it as you say, the body is grateful for the rest period. :+1:

@Luckyredz the idea is to give the body some respite from your usual routine. So it depends what you usually do and what you are training for in general. Some light cardio or yoga(!) are not a problem imo. Neither are reduced weight or reduced volume sets. The work load should be less than half your regular stuff. Excessive cardio is not good if youā€™re trying to give your muscles a break though, obviously.


yeah that makes sense cheers

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I personally drop weight and volume way down.

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Thatā€™s what I do. Full week off, every 8-12 weeks. Itā€™s a good mental break as well as physical.


Then dance! Iā€™m groovin the whole time Iā€™m in the gym. Canā€™t fight it when the right tune hits.

I just started trying drop sets 2 days ago.

Iā€™ve always gone up in weight as I progressed through my workout but I figured Iā€™d try something different. Iā€™m really loving it. I feel like with the lower weight Iā€™m able to maintain good form and posture instead of cheating to get the reps. Maybe not exactly the same as deloading, but still something that seems to help a lot.

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Tried a new branch of my gym. Itā€™s in my old hood. Roomy, new machines, different view, and the elliptical gave me more calories and average watts for the same routine :sunglasses:. So a pretty good experience over all. Will not be there too often as itā€™s a bit far away. Anyway. Been thinking about doing some strength too in the not too distant future. All Iā€™ve been doing is spinning and elliptical for a couple of years now. I donā€™t like to do strength. But Iā€™ll make myself like it somehow.
Itā€™s good to be back to regular workouts. Most important thing for me is to pace myself a little bit. Every other day is more then enough for now. So I cancelled todayā€™s gym-before-work visit. Spinning tomorrow morning, elliptical and some strength on Monday. One day (every other day) at a time.


I use the last set first once in a while too, sometimes small tweaks make a big difference. I do feel strong as fuck after a deload week, like a 20 year old full of piss and vinegar.