Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness šŸ”„ (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 1)

Yeah back in the day I used to think Iā€™d be weak AF if I took a day or week off and that I would lose muscle. Then ironically I started drinking my face off and stopped lifting altogether.

Now Iā€™ve learned that rest is key.


Very mild cardio. Just walk.

I used to work out 6-7 days a week years back. I just do weight training no cardio. Now i only do 4 days a week and I grew muscle so much more. Took me years to figure out muscle grows on off days. I see guys at gym who are there daily and it seems like they stay the same size. Their mind set is the more I work out the more ill grow. So not true.


This is so true and so important. I always have to remind myself thereā€™s no rush.


I had to mix up my routine the last few weeks because I hit a wall too.

Recently I found this YouTube channelā€¦they have a lot of really good, informative science-based videos on how to keep progressing. Iā€™ve watched a ton of their stuff and itā€™s really helped me out with info on new exercises and eating habits. Theyā€™re pretty funny too.

Itā€™s called Musclemonstersā€¦I would post the link to the channel but it has a shirtless guy on the thumbnail and I donā€™t want to offend anyone.
Hereā€™s one of their videosā€¦


Was tricked into doing a second spinning class this morning. RPM 45 minutes first, 30 minutes sprint second. Well, I wasnā€™t tricked really. I just felt like it. Still recuperating now, 6 hours later. it was fun though, in a strange twisted way. Rest tomorrow, thatā€™s for sure.


Soooo, I feel a little stupid. It took me a bit of effort to come outta my shell on this thread and share my goal of getting into the Intermediates finally for the deadlift. Just assuming I still had so much work to do coming back from an injury last year I just kept my head down and whittled away at it and never even calculated my current status. Turns out, Iā€™m already deadlifting in the intermediate range for my weight. Horray! It was a bit of an anticlimax but this is what chronically underestimating yourself will get you!
Iā€™ll work on improving squats and bench press now. Only started doing both this year, after my injury was healed and I could finally start using the rack we got a year ago. Not saying I have to get a certain place by the end of the year, apart from making some serious progress on both! Letā€™s get it! :zap:
Thanks to all the cool strong sober folks on this thread! :raised_hands::raised_hands::weight_lifting_man:


Love this! Just saw it. Thanks for writing it & posting :muscle: :heart:


Get it then get it againā€¦ keep on getting it 1 rep at a time build your armor.


If thereā€™s one thing I cannot do without, itā€™s these running shoes. Hands down best investment Iā€™ve ever made. Iā€™m attempting to run a 5k at a local event somewhere in October, so I gotta train for that.

Iā€™ve been on the grind for real, waking up 4 or 5, going for a run, hitting the gym, then going straight to work, coming home to do even more work and sleep knowing Iā€™m out here doing what Iā€™ve always wanted. Iā€™ve also decided to practice my bench press form every session from now on, cause Iā€™m really dedicated to doing this :fire:


You have many layers. Like an onion. Peeling back. Thank you.


Yep, been trying to keeping T as high as possible, trying to avoid bad stuff like soda and soy, which contain estrogen, and by staying off the hub.

One thing I noticed about this entire process that I find it easier to stand up for myself. The old low-T lifestyle made me easily startled and weak, and now I feel like Iā€™m actually going places. Iā€™m currently dating a new girl now, and Iā€™m not bitchy about making a move, hence the reason why Iā€™m dating in the first place. If things go south, donā€™t expect me to come crying, itā€™ll just mean I have more time to grind

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Havenā€™t been to the gym since covid last year, trying to stay in a caloric deficit is difficult I find at times, been able to get down to 220 lbs, decided to introduce apple cider vinegar into my diet a few tablespoons a day in water with my electrolytes helps control appetite and breaks down sugars. Iā€™ve been biking about 100 min a week but Iā€™ve definitely cut back on that.

Missing the gym a lot but right now isnā€™t a good time for it cause I wonā€™t be able to focus on it the way I want to so likely Iā€™ll be back in the fall. But this is a good example that you donā€™t just lose muscle mass, 80% diet/sleep 20 % weights. Iā€™ve lost about 40 lbs and 20 lbs of muscle since I quit drinking which sucks but Iā€™m liking the leanness Iā€™m getting just gotta keep working it :metal: I was almost closing a captain of crush 2.5 in my right hand, my left hand I can only close a 1.5 right now so Iā€™ve definitely lost some strength but Iā€™ll gain it all back in a month or so of the gym. I definitely appreciate all of you giving it hard everyday keep up the hard work, healthy living requires a lifelong commitment.


This right here is my big downfall. I work swing shift so my sleep is shit most of the time. I just worked 7 days where i was getting up at 3 a.m. had one day off and now Iā€™m working 7 midnight shiftsā€¦ uhhhhggg


Dude when I got off switch shifts and onto a straight day shift rotation my life got so much better, especially as you get older itā€™s just terrible for you in general your body deserves consistency and a routine to a certain degree. But I get it man my dad was a miner my whole life so I know how it goes, morning noon and night, youā€™re a tough dude living that lifestyle :metal:


Man if i wasnā€™t married with kids i wouldnā€™t work here, but itā€™s great play with great health insurance so here i am. 16 years of swing shift so far, itā€™ll probably cost me 10 in the end but my wife and kids are worth it most days :wink:.


I wish i woulda never taken my 15 years off from the gym but the gym just got in the way of my drinking.


Airport gymnasticsā€¦ Really working those abs


Absolutely smashed my dumbbell curl record today, with the new record being 3 sets of 10 reps with two 8kg dumbbells, defs gonna try heavier but the heavier I go the more likely I am to fall over LOL

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Lack of sleep kills gainsā€¦ my life be like

Last 3 nights of sleep for this guy. :unamused: