Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness šŸ”„ (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 1)

If you got where you wanted you wouldnā€™t have anything to motivate you to go further, itā€™s not about a finish line dude, itā€™s a marathon of change and adjustments to be the best you can be and that perception of best will change over time.

All I ever wanted to do was bench 300, squat 400 and deadlift 500 and once I hit that I stopped pushing myself, thatā€™s honestly why I donā€™t weightlift right now Iā€™ve already proven to myself I can do things I never dreamed of, once I do go back it will be because of health not my ego. I can tell you right now Iā€™m not as strong as I used to but Iā€™m physically way healthier, in better shape, looking better and feel better on the inside. Physical strength isnā€™t happiness bud, focus on that and donā€™t allow yourself to ever have a limit.


I think you can do it, believe in Andre and youā€™re capable of anything dude :metal::metal:


Suck it up buttercups! Letā€™s go fellow fitness friends!!! :muscle:t3::grin:
The gym is my happy place and safe space.


How much do u love saying that right?!?! I watched almost all the seasons this summer, I think I have one left to go!

Failed on 300 bench again but got a 3k bonus from work for being vaccinated so today is a win.


All I got from being vaccinated is being rushed to the hospital after collapsing :frowning:

Shit put me absolutely off the grind for 2 weeks, but just monday I got back in the gym again :fire:


I got knocked down for 24 hours after the second shot but that was it. I had phizer

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24 hours sounds terrible, I only had 5 hours :frowning:

At least weā€™re back in the gym again :sunglasses:

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Guess who is popping in with some 5lb snatches. Nice to be getting some rom back


Day 1004 aka Back and Biceps. One day at a time is the only way I can live on this planet and I am ok with that. Have a great Sunday people!


Day 690 or some shit like thatā€¦ squat day, Iā€™ll be jelly fishing stairs for the rest of today


This was the last time Iā€™ll ever be able go that heavy on squats. Iā€™ll continue to lift but Iā€™ll focus more on bodybuilding rep ranges now, i hope i can continue with that for a long time but weā€™ll seeā€¦ it is what it is. Stay strong :muscle:ā€¦ chase them reps, chase them goals


Good job on that lift dude how much was that squat 405? Nice lift :metal::muscle: legs of steel


Yeah 405ā€¦ it was a good run. Of course i wanted more but it was never gonna be enough anyway.

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Yesterday (Tuesday) I had a ā€œbrilliantā€ idea to go for a longer swim. With fins (doctorā€™s recommendation).
Anyway, swam for a whole 10 km, nothing too strenuous - well, obviously, since I had flippers on - but today (Wednesday) I had to postpone my gym session for a day, because of two awful blisters the fins caused me :roll_eyes:.
But nevermind, the weather forecast says itā€™s going to start raining in a couple of days, so at least I seized another day of summer :slight_smile:

Last time heavy deadlifting for me was disappointingā€¦ I wanted 500 but failed at 465ā€¦ this was 415, i hit 445 and missed 465 twiceā€¦ Iā€™ll miss pulling really heavy weight but itā€™ll be okay training differently. I fell short of all but 1 of my 1 rep lifting goals but 1 outa 4 ainā€™t bad for an underachieving fella like myself. Stay strong :muscle:


Anyone here have experience with a Theragun?

Constantly got those aches and pains we all know about. I stretch 2x a day, foam roll, lacrosse ball, TENS therapy, and ice. Every single day.

Looking for something more, since I always feel like I have sonething nagging at me. The pricetag is a bit staggering though. I guess I could try it and return it if it isnā€™t worth the money. Just curious if anyone here has used one.

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I have one (the pro), itā€™s amazing in my opinion.

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Thanks! I feel like so many of my little tweaks are just so deep in there, hopefully this helps. I am also hoping it can help my back too by relaxing the muscles in the hips and legs.

Pro is the one I was looking at, too. Go big or go home, right? Iā€™ll likely go for itā€¦again, can always return it if I feel it wasnā€™t worth it. Iā€™ll just call it an early self birthday gift :grimacing:

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I truly believe it was worth every penny, i think youā€™ll be happy :blush:

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