Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness 🔥 (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 1)

Just ordered one for pickup at Dick’s down the road. Glad I can pick it up today. Think I did too much this weekend, hips are killing me. Been getting new, sharp pains in my right IT band too :unamused:


I have the Hypervolt and love it :raised_hands:t2:

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This things is great. I doubt it will help cure this mystery injury, but it absolutely nuked the achiness in my hip/si joint. Also killed the DOMS in my hamstrings. Me gusta.

I also found out that through work, I can get like 75% reimbursement on it. So much better.


Just saying hello friends! I was on a timeout, my personal life kinda exploded and I could not do anything at all for a good while. No energy for lifting. Been easing back in slowly. We all know how that goes… hard. :sweat_smile: But feeling beyond blessed the old mind is not such a shitpile anymore that I can do some lifting here and there.

Missed you guys. Hope you are all doing well!

@Dan531 kudos on stepping away from something and into something better suited for you atm. It seems like a tough decision but that also gives me the feeling it might be the right thing? I hope so! There is no top of the mountain anyway! I always remember that when I get too goal-focussed. Who cares if you lift “maximally” or “only” bodybuilding range. It’s still fucking awesome imho.




Sounds like you channelled you’re too much energy into sth good. :slight_smile: stay strong!

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Being in the health industry and constantly needing to keep on top of trends for my clients, it’s hard to sometimes pick out fact from fiction. Fact: weight loss is 85% what you put in your mouth 15% activity. I started focusing less on cardio and more on strength training during the pandemic but stopped when I moved into my apartment and got super busy with work. I’ve been doing strength training 3 days a week again. I was feeling down on myself and then saw this definition when I snapped a photo… Figured I’d pop onto this thread to share.

Small victories are your greatest motivation. You all are doing amazing


4.5 mile weighted pack run this morning hypertrophy on the bar in the afternoon. Get it folks!


Thanks Dan, I looked into getting one of these after seeing this post. I worked in construction for years so, my body is pretty beat up. Got it yesterday and I’m feeling much better today after trying it out yesterday!

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First time wearing anything but black leggings at the gym today. I always wear them black to not draw attention to my thighs that I’ve been always ashamed of. Today I wore these and didn’t really care about people looking. And c-r-u-s-h-e-d my workout :muscle:


Hi everyone!
I back on day 2 clean & starting working out again. Looking for some help by chance if anyone can lead me in the direction of how to perform exercises with these?
I can only go to my apartments gym a few times a week where there is cardio equipment n dumbbells. Other days of the week I have to work out with these. But I am really finding it hard to find an app or website for these exercises…


I looked at you photo first then read the caption afterwards and seriously my first thought was how great your legs looked in those!
Many happy self-confident workouts! :smiley:


Beachbody has really good programs, well worth the yearly price if you can swing it. Lots of band work in there, my wife has had a membership with them for a few years.


Since I only really do cardio as a workout I thought it’d be nice to get a heart rate monitor and see what I’m actually doing. Here’s yesterday’s spinning class readout. It was an intense one. Got to my max about halfway through and was recovering for much of the time after…:cold_sweat:


:heart_eyes::heart_eyes: those leggings! Great job getting out of your comfort zone :confetti_ball::confetti_ball:

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Hey man good to see you. I’m good all in all. I had to give up heavy training for medical reasons so now I just hit the body building rep ranges. I struggled mentally lifting that way for a while but it’s all good now. Hit 2 years sober a few weeks ago. Take care man


Love this :grinning: really inspirational. I meditate also at the gym. After my workout I’ll stretch and do a guided meditation. Helps me start my day off right!

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I’ve finally started going to the gym. I’m getting killed by the lightest settings, but everyone’s got to start somewhere