Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness šŸ”„ (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 1)

PSA for those who donā€™t know

If you see someone out running, do naaahhhht interrupt their run to ask for directions or similar. Has happened to me twice in the past week!

That is all.


Ahhh that used to drive me crazy when I would run. I never ran outside but I would on the treadmill at the gym. Iā€™d be listening to music and would have just gotten into the ā€œrunners zoneā€ and someone would come up to chat or signal me to take my headphones out or something. Drives me crazy :crazy_face:

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Way to go!!!


Thatā€™s another no-no. Unless totally necessary, asking someone to take their headphones out is a bold move.

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Right?! Unless thereā€™s some sort of an emergency plz leave me alone when I workout lol

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Hope it ends up being a big source of enjoyment, challenge and strength for you! Mentally, physically!

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Hello my fellow lifters, runners and gym nuts! :v:Been getting back into the swing of things after my extensive low period over the summer and various small but annoying injuriesā€¦ Feels good to be back. Iā€™m grateful.
Welcome back @5th_dimension AndrĆ©! And a very warm welcome to @anon57836609! It doesnā€™t matter how small you start. My fav weight lifting motto is: there is no top of the mountain. Developing a training practice and ways to work with and in your body is a wonderful assett to maintain mental stability and build self reliant happiness. Something you can always come back to, on however small a scale, when times get rough and other things feel like theyā€™re falling apart. Iā€™m happy youā€™re tapping into this great resource, Jan! :heart: Keep us posted on your journey!
Hugs to all! Letā€™s go get it! :star:


Lose weight? You look in shape to me?

Ohhh gotcha. Yes, I really started to eat at night and more sugar during the lockdowns. Luckily I stay active in gym, but I did put on about 10 lbs. Now that back work Iā€™m eating less and better. You can do it, binge eating is no joke. When I was popping opiates my diet was crap, I would eat whatever and whenever, with a major sweet tooth. Cant wait to see your gains!

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Despite 4 yrs of physical limitations/injury, I think Iā€™m doing alright for myself. I always push to be better, and tend to be very hard on myself when Iā€™m not going 100% - but I aim to be more compassionate and forgiving towards myself and my body. Sometimes ā€œgoodā€ is good enough.

PS - you ever get nervous that someone is gonna catch you taking a mirror selfie :eyes:


Looking awesome man!! I like the hat too :ok_hand:

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Thanks ā€“ and I love my Leafs hat!!

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Very nice to see your selfie here, T, and expecially to read the kind words towards yourself. :heart_eyes:
(Also, to state the obvious: looking good!)


Not feeling 100% today but trying to crush Chest/Tri day on sobriety day 194.


All Black Fridays :black_heart:



This old man broke back into the gym today. Been nursing a hurt shoulder, quad, and hurt feelings. I donā€™t know that Iā€™ll ever lift really heavy again but Iā€™m lifting anyway. It feels good to be back


Looking good buddy. Glad to see ya among the weights


Welcome back Dan. Iā€™ve been thinking of you. Hope the weights can provide a little comfort, stability and feeling of home amidst the pain and difficulties.
Odaat and :heartbeat:.

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Everyone in my gym with their high-end fitness style and gear

Then thereā€™s me :sunglasses: