Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness 🔥 (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 1)

Glad this isnt my partner in crime :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Was going to say, isn’t he supposed to be looking at you? You look like you need him as well! :rofl:

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Just for the record… thats not me :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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I agree. It is what helped save me from the worst years of my addiction, 2010/2011. Early 2012 is when I discovered my love for fitness and nutrition. Had that not happened, death was likely not too far off.

Took me 6 years from there to stop drinking entirely, but it was limited to one-night slips. Prior to getting into fitness, I was drunk 5 or 6 days out of the week.


Recognise that. … I was clean tot 8 years and the gym was a savior almost every day. In the beginning the most.
Then i got robbed and took a bullit and the clean life ended. Clinicly announced dead even but i made it thrue. The medication pulled me right back in to drugs for almost 8 months and 8 operations later i fortunately lost the shitbag on my body but my life was a mess. Suïcidal and depressed from meds back to straight up druggin’… I thank my angels for the strenght that made me stand up again and my body is my temple, fuck all toxic and i am really happy to reed that you yourself came struggling out such a dark place yourself to where you are now!!!
Inspiriation flees out of your post for me and remembers me about the fact that im going towards happiness again.
Gaining 16K in just 3 weeks , taking care off me :blush:
Thnx for sharing


Thankful you both made it back from the darkness @TMAC n @050Nl , now your here inspiring others🙏


Following in your footsteps. Up out n gettin it done every morning now. Thankful for the strength n determination to recover n rebuild.


We practicly sober twins i think @Jimieg , what day you @ ? Ten
And btw… I went swimming yesterday couse of your post couse o was walking as a just born giraffe after legday :luxembourg::rofl:

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@Ellepenny84 … you a gymmie to?

Not? Then give it a try, good vibes come with healthy things

24 days @050Nl, You killin those leg days😁 Been switching it up. Pool first 30 min, then hit the weights. This way not too tired for my laps. Today was Biceps triceps n squats m doing 110 crunches per day.

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@Jimieg :facepunch: respect , for the weekend im done its 01:00 here so goodnight and keep up the good work


Pfff… far outta my league :blush:
Good for you, be fit, stay fit And a good night , day or whatever time you are all.

Every day thats clean en healthy is a gift to ourselfs!

“I’ll be back” :robot:


Goodnight brother.

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No pain no gain…:butterfly:


I’m 100% a Gymmie. I schedule it in 3 times a week and go casually outside of that. It’s where I meditate/destress/power up!


Went to gym tonight…no selfie (not sure they allow phones???) but man I’m tired. Apparently it was arm day. I had a hard time driving home my arms were so exhausted. I hope I can function tomorrow!!


@VSue Nice work and good for you !!!

@Ellepenny84 , love the medication part also, i draw a card as wel every day to be consious about the cosmos

@Jimieg … my bro, have a good ons today…

Everybody a Nice weekend. Today i rest and tommorrow i’ll be in a great spa/sauna to relax a bit.

From Holland with :heart::luxembourg:


Yep. My back feels it tonight!

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@NateRC Good for you !!!

New habit, waking daily at 4 am. Not on purpose. Making the gym early. But why on sat??? :man_shrugging:Gym dont open till 7.:scream: Enjoy your day.