Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness šŸ”„ (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 1)

Has anyone tried Cryotherapy?

kick ass girl! keep going! :heart_eyes:

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Not sure if taking a ice bath is similar, but thatā€™s something I use to do and it helped with mood, anxiety and felt like I healed better after a good workout


I walked up and down a steep hill the other night for 40 minutes with a 20 pound kettle ball, switching it from Rt hand to left in hundred degree weather, I did fine. I love it.


I like that. There is a sledding hill in the park out my backyard. Hmmā€¦

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Yea, something like that. I was looking into it and was wondering if anyone has actually done it. They basically freeze you. Not sure how long you did the ice bath, it said this was only for a very short time. Suppose to help with blood flow. IdK, Iā€™ll look into it a bit more. Thanks Mike :blush:


Yeah I saw they freeze you definitely thought that was interesting. I use to just throw bags of ice in the tub fill it with cold water and id sit in it for about 3 minutes tops maybe lol. It was good meditation as well.


Walked up and down the steep hill with the 20lb (9.07kg) kettle ball for 50 min right after the sun set in 100 F (37.7C) heat with the heat index a lot higher because of the humidity. Did great, loved it, did fine with the heat. Not at all a problem. Then rode the indoor bike for 90 minutes ā€¦


I skipped one workout bc my right hand was hurting. My hands are not yet used to this, so baby steps. But today I nailed it :muscle::+1:


Nice little running sesh inspiration by @Runningfree, walked jogged about 3 1/2 miles. Felt good every day after my lift sessions Ive been walk jogging s mile, hopefully Iā€™ll shed a little weight soon lol


Nice!! Those endorphins are where itā€™s at lol


Back and biceps smashed today plus a boat load of cardio. Bring on next week when I am cleared from my quad and groin tear to start training my legs again. (Donā€™t tell the doctor and physio I have been smashing 20km on the spinner bike every day for the past 10 days)


Had a strong leg day, 365 on squats for 3. Went up to 5 something on leg press, Bulgarian squats and a bunch of other accessories. Legs be looking thick, well in the pic they look small, but there solid lol. Really sick of being 251 pounds, Iā€™d like to shed this weight


Yesterday cardio, today kettlebell :muscle::fire:
Iā€™m weaker one week before my period starts :persevere:
But pushed through!


Continuing to walk up the hill with the 20lb ( 9.07kg ) kettle ball when the sun sets after mid 100 degree (41.1 C) high humidity days. Iā€™m not looking at the thermometer before I leave because I donā€™t care and I donā€™t want to be put off by it. My tolerance for the heat is just fine, itā€™s not bothering me at all. Again the sun is not shining on me. It has set and thatā€™s what makes a difference for me even with the actual feel like temperature higher because of the humidity. I am drinking a cold bottle of water before I leave, most of the time in any case.
I love it.
I had a friend with me last night and she carried the ball for 50 feet. Iā€™m going for 40/50 minutes usually.


Another glorious day for a workout :muscle:
Itā€™s a short beginner kettlebell workout but oof it makes me sweat like crazy.
Done :white_check_mark::+1:


Sweaty session today. Worked up to 405 for 1 Rep. Now doing boring sets of 185, 5 sets 10 reps is rough lol deadlifts


I didnā€™t know that was a thing but makes a lot of sense. Our bodies are so complex!

I am loving getting to know the gym and feeling my body get stronger. Feels really empowering but good to know the way hormones are going to impact me.

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I feel you. Those 10rep sets after heavier sets are just :skull:. I dunno know I always struggle so much with that bottom tier of the pyramid on the DLs. Shudder. Iā€™m thinking I should probably decrease the load more from my top weight or sth.

Anyway looking good Mikey!

Edit: anyone any experience w overtraining? I kinda always thought it was a myth it can get really obvious but I recently experiened it in tri extensions really severely. Just there, numbers totally crumbled while everything else kept progressing. Weird!


Itā€™s a lot easier to overtrain then it is to undertrainā€¦ most people who claim that isnā€™t true are on gearā€¦ the others are genetic freaks. Just my opinion from overtrainingā€¦:grin: