Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness šŸ”„ (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 2)

Sorry to hear today is a tough dayā€¦ but you did get something done, so you win. Just DOING something when it takes all that energy to start is winning. Not every day is a PR day, be kind to yourself


I totally agree. Anything to get at least a little bit of the dopamine release.
I hope you feel a little better as the day goes on. :kissing_heart:

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How about a black day with some bright bits? Youā€™re sober, we are all proud of you for that, for your tenacity and fierceness when your are able to get after it. You came here to share and thatā€™s loving yourself. Black thoughts are real. So is grace from a source outside ourselves.


Hey friend :kissing_heart: You are loved. You are important. And you are a sober bad ass bitch :heart: I hope your depression doesnā€™t last too long. Hugs :people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging:


Iā€™ve got tiny biceps starting to grow. Mainly from a routine of general body pump class; all the classic weightlifting of low weights with a barbell. But I also think itā€™s from yoga and Pilates and the action of sun saluting properly and isometric holds.

Iā€™m loving my body now as it gets stronger, tiny bit by bit. Little actions repeated make great gains.


Hit 65lb deadlift today for 12 reps :muscle::tada:

Also got that ghost cinnabon protein powder!! Itā€™s very yummy but also very strong on cinnamon flavor. I could see others not liking it but I love it!


Todays workout complete :white_check_mark:
Its amazing what eating a little more calories the night before can do for your workout. I was feeling pretty fatigued yesterday and so i ate a bit more. Todays workout was killer!!
20 min of elliptical
20 min of stationary bike
Had that mind-muscle connection going on and had energy through the roof! :fire:


Been in bit of a self sabotage heavy down thanks to my bipolar the last few weeks.

Today i saw my doctor who was impressed with my progress.

Todays session felt so good i pushed and pushed.
The pump was amazing but the lighting for the photos not so much. Felt good being back though.


Big pat on the back from one lifting looney to another. Thank god we have the weights to help w the crazy, I think that often. Hugs my man. Itā€™ll get easier again. Hold on and take it odaat.


100 percent, if i didnt have weights to throw around id be getting sectioned.

Good things take time, just like gains


Does anyone else use GBC training method?

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Iā€™ve dropped bang on 20kgs since Feb


I havenā€™t but I just looked it up sounds interesting. Iā€™ve always liked doing supersets and or giant sets in some workouts. Iā€™ll have to look more into it.
Whatever youā€™re doing keep it up, looking strong. :muscle::muscle:


Seb, tell us about it?

Same as @Jasty2 Iā€™m a superset superfan, triple even quadruple sometimes :heart_eyes:


Another gym sesh down :white_check_mark:
Since my son is home today from school (due to a cold), i woke up at 530am to workout. Just did cardio today though. Have to get used to these early morning workouts, since school is almost over and he will be home for the summer :slight_smile: im not usually an early morning workout kind of gal. 9-11am is when I get my best workouts :smiley: But I got to get a workout in one way or another


Man, I had the greatest strength training session today. I did a quick treadmill walk beforehand ( just pushing into cardio/fat burn heart rate) for a bit before as I was quite early for class. The session was explosive, I kept my form and listened carefully to every instruction about placement and lifting. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever had a better body pump class. Iā€™ve upped my bicep and back weights but kept shoulder and triceps weights the same as thatā€™s my weak area. Lunges and squats Iā€™m happy with just body weight for now.

I really think the very short cardio before lifting did some magic to my performance!


Frustrated. My back/hips are acting up again.
Not a full-on aggravation but close enough where I feel one errant move will put me there.

Had to skip the gym and likely will tomorrow. Trying to mitigate a full-on flare up and listen.

Itā€™s just so frustrating, it really hasnā€™t gone away completely since it first became a problem again back in the beginning of March.

The mental part is hard. I could be in a decent mindset but as soon as I have the slightest twinge or odd feeling in my back/hips, my mental state plummets immediately. My therapist(s) have said I have some level of PTSD from all this. It really is like an immediate flip of the switch.

I went through 4 years of this. Got a spinal fusion and spent a year recovering. Another year learning to trust my body and I had started to get there.

And now Iā€™m back feeling as though Iā€™ll never know physical or mental freedom again. I do not feel comfortable or safe in my own body or mind. Cannot go through all this again. Iā€™m only 35 and have consistently, for a dozen years, put so much time and effort into my health - and yet I still feel like an old man.


Thatā€™s so hard T. Iā€™m sorry :pensive:
Take it easy and I hope it works out to be a temporary niggle for now.
Hugs :hugs:


Iā€™m trying to use my logic to wrestle myself away from the emotions of it. That mightnā€™t be the right approach.
But trying to tell myself today is today. Tomorrow may mean improvement. It might not. But I know how to scooch the advantage towards the former, even if just slightly.

Also acknowledging that I had also just started to work on rotational core movements, and oblique work beyond side planks, something Iā€™ve stayed away from since this first began happening again. Whenever my back/hips go out, so does my core strength and I have to essentially rebuild it every fucking time. So these ā€œnewā€ movements could be behind this iteration of pain.

I can still do ā€œside glidesā€ with my hips/pelvis right now which is a good sign. When itā€™s a true flare-up itā€™s impossible for me to do them.

Just have to get through today without making it worse. Trying to worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. and not think about things in terms of ā€œforeverā€.
Poor headspace lately as-is so bad timing to have to forgo what is my most important outlet (physical activity).


I know itā€™s so horrendous for you. Back pain can start with hips and glutes and hamstrings being ignored or misused, so you really are in the wars with the hips problems and the back problems. :pensive:

What about swimming?

I really feel for you :heart: I like your style on today is today and tomorrow is tomorrow though, healthy. Chin up, lovely.