Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness 🔥 (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 2)

Continuing the discussion from Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness 🔥 (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 1) - #2796 by Butterflymoonwoman.

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Second chapter and we gon start this motherfucker off in style. Keep that fire burning! :fire: :kiss: :boar:


What a wonderful way to kick the thread off!! :heart::fire:🏋🏻‍♀


I love this!!! Feeling pumped :muscle:


This is fantastic @Faugxh :clap:.

I’m almost feeling like I can hit my gym again. Probably never really heavy again, but that’s okay… I’m old anyway :older_man:

Get after it sober tribe. Investment into your body is more important than any financial investment ever could be. All you got at the end of the day is you, make it the best you.


Are you dealing with injuries right now? Or is it work/life stuff getting in the way of being able to start up again?


We’re suspecting rheumatoid arthritis at this point… I guess the decades of hard abuse caught up.


That’ll do it. I ended up with arthritis in my right hip so bad from self abuse, that it’s now made of titanium :rofl:. Hope it feels better soon :v::muscle:


We’ll see. The rheumatologist appointment was 11 months out when i got referred, only 3 months left to wait. I’m on mobic now which gets things feeling better but isn’t stopping my immune system from attacking joint tissue. The worst part honestly is probably the fatigue and just generally feeling like shit most of the time.


Todays workout complete :white_check_mark:
Wasnt able to get my usual gym so did 1 hour of cardio in my buildings exercise area. Love getting a sweat on!!


Another workout complete :white_check_mark:
Did chest and triceps and threw in shoulders aswell bcuz i had to make up for the day i missed. Was a longer workout but enjoyed it none the less :slight_smile:
Also did 20 min of elliptical


Hell yeah we are.

9 months SAF today, And I’m gonna start this mother fucker off with the last PPL push workout of the week. Stay strong and healthy team :v:


Joe - congrats on your sober time, thanks for being a friend and right back at you, looking good and strong there!

And how’s my boy Tony?

:kiss: :boar:


Tony is doing great. Not really much company but he’s there for every workout :rofl:


I’m pivoting in my fitness training. The app I use for non running workouts have different classes on them. The most used and the one I have been doing is classified as camp- it’s more like a hit workout. Some strength but also cardio involved. I follow this running coach on social media and she made a post of how that isn’t helpful for runners because we get enough cardio already. So yesterday I did my first class that was labeled strength. Drop sets of split squats, hammer curls, reserve bicep curls and then some tricep dips and extensions. :grimacing::grimacing: My biceps have some shit to say today!! I’ve been doing the camp style workout for so long so this may take some getting used to. The trainer I used yesterday has 3 classes a week, all at 730am which is perfect for the summer cause it means I can give the doggos their walk earlier and avoid the sun.



HAPPY FATHERS DAY to all the sober dads out there!!! Hit some big personal records this week!!! 285lb bench and 1183 leg press!!! Each day of sobriety is always a new personal record so I have to keep my lifting numbers with it!!! lol Train insane or remain the same sober fam!!! :metal:t3::muscle:t3:


WOWthats an insane amount of weight!!! Congratulations on ur PRs!! :star_struck:


Todays workout complete :white_check_mark:
Did legs, legs, and more legs
Feeling abit shakey now but just finishing up my cardio and then heading home to eat


Todays workout complete :white_check_mark:
Back and biceps
22 min of elliptical
20 min of stationary bike on fat burner setting


Really going through it today guys, girl down. Depression brain is such a joke it took me hrs to even come up w a plan of what I could do lifting wise. I managed about 1/2 my usual volume in the same time. For legs yday I left out the heavy low rep sets, no point trying in this state. After an hr I actually started to feel a little bit of relief. Gonna be a black day but there’ll be better ones again.

Sometimes just do what you have to do, no matter what.